Should I get the Batman Blu-Ray?

Started by Scarecrow756, Mon, 9 May 2011, 21:17

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I just tried to redeem the code for my itunes copy of Batman 89 (it came with my brand new anniversary edition. factory sealed Amazon and the works) it told me it wasn't valid and gave me the shaft. wtf.

The codes are only good for like a year. Thus making the idea of digital copies utterly stupid.

You bought the movie, and it's a whole separate disc. Why isn't it just on the actual disc for you to download? If you have the digital copy disc that means you bought the damn movie, meaning you don't need the stupid download code.
"There's just as much room for the television series and the comic books as there is for my movie. Why wouldn't there be?" - Tim Burton

I can't wait to get a better tv in my room my tv is a price of crap
you ever dance with the devil on a pale moon light

Quote from: DocLathropBrown on Tue,  3 Jan  2012, 03:39
The codes are only good for like a year. Thus making the idea of digital copies utterly stupid.

You bought the movie, and it's a whole separate disc. Why isn't it just on the actual disc for you to download? If you have the digital copy disc that means you bought the damn movie, meaning you don't need the stupid download code.

IK! But, yeah, I just figured I'd do it because it came with it. Never actually bother to do it before. But, since it was Batman..and a surprise addition, I figured why not. Even funnier. When I bought it, Amazon gave me a digital one online to watch. A timed rental.

I also want to get the blu ray verison of batman begins and dark knight after that some wrestling blu ray disc
you ever dance with the devil on a pale moon light

Wed, 23 May 2012, 07:22 #25 Last Edit: Mon, 18 Feb 2013, 03:52 by martinizaguirre
Talking about the BATMAN 1989 Blu Ray, I would like to add that the picture quality is great, Hi def and all... The movie looks really awesome specially if you use a front projector...In that way you get the feeling  you are watching it in a movie theater or go back in time if you had the chance to see it when released on 1989. For such reason this Blu Ray is  something any fan of this (my favorite) movie must get. But as usual, there are always BUT's or should I say nothing is perfect. I've been watching this movie since it was released on Betamax and I've had the pleasure to have it in almost every format, except Laserdisc... Finally the 20th anniversary of the film came on 2009, something  I dare say was very, very, very anticipated by many of us fans. Lucky for us that a great format had already been invented at such time, namely BR Disc. What gets me really sad and uncomfortable is that I feel, that despite the big amount of money this movie grossed at that time and the Oscar it also won, they (WB) did NOT give the BR anniversary release the proper treatment ...and I am pretty sure many of you (Batman '89 Die Hard Fans) out there agree with me on this particular matter. To summarize the whole thing: The cover doesn't mention or show "20th Anniversary" anywhere, The Symbol they used on the cover is not the original one (they shouldn't have modified Anton Furst design in the first place) instead they used a symbol somebody thought had designed well, but they got it all wrong. They also used fonts in the word BATMAN that are not the original ones either (the same ones used on the 2005 DVD release), which honestly I don't know whose idea to make such mistake it was. I have seen other movies that have had several versions in different formats or the same format and they always keep their original cover pictures and fonts... they may use a different poster of the movie as cover but the essence remains the same (take the movie "Heat" from WB for example). And well, if we talk about what is inside the book, on the first two pages you can see the picture of, I guess a cracked plaster surface, that you and I know has nothing to do with the movie... It's obvious that the person in charge of designing this project had no creativity at all and had no interest in making this disc release look all right. The same thing they also did to the last two pages... It's as if WB didn't have enough material to use it in the making of this Digibook, as they call it. If you have the chance, take a look at the Shawshank Redemption and The Green Mile Digibooks  (which also come from WB) and you'll see what they should've done with the Batman blu ray book. Last but not least, the disc content (and of course the label on it). They didn't even bother to add something other than what they had already included in the 2005 DVD. They just took all the material on the DVD and dumped it on the blu ray. They failed to add the DTS audio track by the way. Why did they not include the "Making Of A Hero" documentary??  I have seen tv commercials and other stuff on this site from that time, that they could have included on the blu ray, no matter if they would have had to use two discs for it. Call me a dreamer, but I was expecting something like what Spielberg did when the E.T. The Extra-terrestrial DVD Gift pack was released on 2002 and what Lucas has done with the Star Wars DVD's and Blu rays. C'mon you guys, I know that many of you who are strongly fond of B89 think they at WB mucked it up with this 20th anniversary blu ray release. They should at least have asked one fan what this disc should have been or look like or what to include in it. I really wanted to get this off my chest because I'm very disappointed in this blu ray release. My only hope is that they come up with something better...of course, it's kind of scary to think that we have to wait till 2019 for that. Let's hope it'll be sooner than that.

I agree completely.

The most disappointing thing for me was the flyer inside advertising other sets available...look at the effort put into I AM Legend's special release!

Batman 89 deserves that!

Well they ain't going out of their to give any of the rocky series expect 1 and 6 which is surpising considering rocky 4 was the biggest maker in the series hell in the sports side of films for almost 25 years.  So i'm not too surpised about batman especially since people just aren't like they use to be.
you ever dance with the devil on a pale moon light

I"ve decided i will get this film on blu ray. But I am waiting until 2014, hoping we get a 25th anniversary special edition that year. If not, the existing blu ray will be cheaper  ;D

Quote from: riddler on Wed, 18 Jul  2012, 15:46
I"ve decided i will get this film on blu ray. But I am waiting until 2014, hoping we get a 25th anniversary special edition that year. If not, the existing blu ray will be cheaper  ;D

That might be a good idea, to wait, I mean, at least perhaps for a reprint/rerun of the original blurays. Or you could get lucky on a local level. CD Warehouse dvd stores are getting used Blu ray sections for fab prices. I mention it only because the price for both Burton era Blurays has sky rocketed. The 25th Ann. for 89 will blind you. I think a local scope might provide better results and more reasonable prices for anybody looking for a fix immediately. There is always local big box stores, too.