Should I get the Batman Blu-Ray?

Started by Scarecrow756, Mon, 9 May 2011, 21:17

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Quote from: Kingdjack4500 on Fri, 30 Dec  2011, 04:39
I already said o had it

Ooo, catty!   ;)  Actually I meant to reply to the original thread-starter who seemingly still doesn't have it.   

Oh well I need a hdmi cord so I can watch it in the best format
you ever dance with the devil on a pale moon light

Quote from: Kingdjack4500 on Fri, 30 Dec  2011, 16:43
Oh well I need a hdmi cord so I can watch it in the best format

GOOOo!  Yeah that's a must.  You can still get 720p with component video though.

I can't my big can only do 480p and 1080i if I'm watching movies on netflix but if I do anything else my blu ray will show a blue screen then I have to unplug it for about 15 seconds
you ever dance with the devil on a pale moon light

D'oh!  How did you go blu-ray before HD?!   ???  Time to ask Santa for a new HD TV!   ;)  My plasma is 3 years old now I'm itchin' to get a new one myself.  Got a 42" now but want a 50.  The ole' peepers ain't what they used to be.

Because the big screen I have is over 10 years old and was back when 1080 hd had just came out
you ever dance with the devil on a pale moon light

That's amazing your TV has lasted that long.  I had a 32" Sony Trinitron I bought in 2001, and it was a beautiful TV... It finally died one day after working perfectly for 7 years.   ???

We have another big screen that is way younger that we already had to replace the light bulb and may have to replace it again the problem they make tv's to broke quickly
you ever dance with the devil on a pale moon light

how much does that cost you?  At the rate flat screen TV prices are droppingl, you're probably better off upgrading.

I'm flat broke
you ever dance with the devil on a pale moon light