Superman: The Man of Steel

Started by johnnygobbs, Sun, 30 Jan 2011, 18:52

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Quote from: The Dark Knight on Mon, 13 Aug  2012, 02:55This is my favourite live action Superman suit.
If the trunks had been included with it, I'd be prepared to call it definitive. But without them... close but no cigar.

My conspiracy theory is that higher forces are at work here. The New 52, Smallville- Season 11, apparently Superman- Earth One and now this MOS suit all have abandoned the trunks. My hunch is that DC Entertainment is exerting some legal wrangling here, re: the Siegel Parasite lawsuit.

But as far as the MOS suit is concerned, it's a little hard for me to believe that Snyder got every single other meticulous bit of detail right with that outfit but somehow chose of his own volition to delete the trunks. I just can't convince myself of that.

To each his/her own, but the absence of the trunks is one of my main likes about the new suit.

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Mon, 13 Aug  2012, 06:59To each his/her own, but the absence of the trunks is one of my main likes about the new suit.
Fair enough. But contrary to Bryan Singer's spin at Comic Con, Superman's look has been pretty consistent over the years. Blue body suit, red cape, red boots, yellow belt, chest emblem. Joe Shuster wasn't a particularly detail-oriented artist. He was very sketchy so there's an impression that details of The Suit have changed over the years but, honestly, they haven't. Not really. Certain things are modified over time but the core essentials of The Suit have been there from day one.

So from traditional standpoint, the trunks need to be there.

But the other thing is they need to be there from a graphic design point of view. With Superman you need something around the waist/crotch area to break up all that blue. Red trunks do the job nicely.

Try as I might not to use the trunks as a barometer for someone's true appreciation of Superman, the rationale some people make in favor of removing the trunks make me wonder wtf business they think they have calling themselves fans of the character.

EDIT- TDK, none of the above is to be interpreted as some kind of slam or passive-aggressive swipe at you.

Quote from: thecolorsblend on Mon, 13 Aug  2012, 08:08
EDIT- TDK, none of the above is to be interpreted as some kind of slam or passive-aggressive swipe at you.
No offence taken.

I think the absence of the trunks is a good thing for two reasons. I think they're campy to the general audience and are somewhat out dated. And secondly, the previous franchise had them, so the reboot will give it a shot without them. Doing something different. I personally think the blue all the way down looks fine on the MOS suit. It looks alien in nature and modern, not a relic.

The basic nut of the final settlement is that the Siegel and Shuster estates get everything created prior to the sale to DC, which includes Action Comics #1 (which would include the costume as it was at the time, Clark Kent, Lois Lane, their jobs as reporters, his origin as the last survivor of the planet Krypton), while DC gets everything that came later via work-for-hire product, like all of his powers that came later (flight, various vision powers), Kryptonite, Perry White, Jimmy Olsen, the Daily Planet, Lex Luthor, all that Silver Age stuff, etc., etc.

Now, while DC can still put out previously produced items based on the old designs and concepts (like reprints of past issues), they can't put out any new material based on that source, hence the wholesale redesign of the character. Presumably, the Siegel and Shuster estates will get a bit more of the action on those reprints.

As for the heirs, they are perfectly free to put out new material based on the specific version of Superman that they will own....a version who can't fly, can't see through walls, isn't as invulnerable, and is basically another Luke Cage.

On the flip side, he's got a much better costume.

"Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humour was provided to console him for what he is."

I'm glad that they got rid of the trunks, although I agree they should have had some sort of red in the midsection to break up the blue. I think this is where a red belt like the one in the DCnU suit would work better (although I hate the colar of the DCnU suit, I think capes with turtlenecks just look off).

I love the way Nicola Scott draws Supes suit in Earth 2. The S is very like the MOS version and looks great.

Quote from: ElCuervoMuerto on Wed,  5 Sep  2012, 19:28I'm glad that they got rid of the trunks, although I agree they should have had some sort of red in the midsection to break up the blue.
Such as... trunks?

My how things change.

Warner Bros. Wins Big Court Ruling in Fight Over Superman

"Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humour was provided to console him for what he is."

Good. Hopefully WB wins it all and the Siegel Parasites can all go piss up a rope.

Speaking of which (and no matter who ends up winning), if I'm ever in near proximity to Joanne Siegel's grave, I'm giving it a golden shower.