Superman: The Man of Steel

Started by johnnygobbs, Sun, 30 Jan 2011, 18:52

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I love the new suit. I'm reading John Byrne's Man of Steel at the moment and Cavill really looks like he jumped out of it.

I really am looking forward to this movie...nothing about it has given me cause to worry - except for the colour palette Snyder may use  :-[

I've got nothing against Cavill, but I still don't like the costume. I don't like the muted colours. The busy texturing seems unnecessary and makes it look grubbier than it needs to be. I think it really needs a red or yellow belt to break up the blue around the waist area. And I find the fake muscles quite distracting (I know how hypocritical that sounds coming from a fan of the Batman films). And while the spit curl isn't essential, I'd rather he had it.

I guess I'm just a grumpy old fan boy resistant to change.

the arbitrary lines bother me. I get why they don't want him to have a belt, but the waist area is odd.

Quote from: Silver Nemesis on Thu,  1 Sep  2011, 10:32
I guess I'm just a grumpy old fan boy resistant to change.
I can be like that as well sometimes. I like what I like, and I'll defend it to the last breath. But with Superman, not as much. I think change is needed to break stagnation that has existed for far too long. Take some risks now. Do something different and have variety.

I take your point about a fresh approach. Lois and Clark put its own spin on the mythology, and for the first season at least it worked very well (though the less said about season 4, the better). So I'll have to reserve judgement until the final film comes out.

I really do want to like this film. But I just don't think Snyder's a very good director. And I'm sceptical about Goyer and Nolan's grasp on the material. And while I don't mind them changing certain aspects of the mythology, I do object to them changing the iconic outfit.

Especially since the bulging fake muscles and humongous codpiece seem a bit... well, Schumachian, for want of a better word.

Overall, I like the new movie suit.

Sure, it could use a red belt to further resemble that of the Superman suit in DC Comics' new 52 relaunch.

But overall ... I don't have a problem with it. Actually, I find it to be similar to what was proposed in the Abrams 'Flyby' Superman movie back in 2002 if anyone remembers.

Quote from: Silver Nemesis on Thu,  1 Sep  2011, 22:41
humongous codpiece seem a bit... well, Schumachian, for want of a better word.

I don't know. I find those '90's codpieces to be much more pronounced.

"Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humour was provided to console him for what he is."

I'm glad they ditched the belt. I suppose they held up his undies before, but as we know, they've  finally dropped them to the floor for this film. They could've had a belt for pure colour scheme reasons, but I wouldn't see the practical point. Batman needs the utility belt to store items. What has Superman got to carry around? He can zip across the Atlantic and back again. I'm not big on realism, but really, a belt wouldn't have any use other than just being there.

I do like a lot of Zimmer's scores, but he needs to stay away from superheroes IMNSHO.
Why is there always someone who bring eggs and tomatoes to a speech?

Oh God deliver us all. I've always had a love hate thing for Zimmer's work. In recent years it's all started to get repetitive and run together. Same action beat for everything, same ominous/suspense/villain theme for everybody. Hannibal (2000) has bits that end up being identical to what's used to identify Joker in TDK.