Superman: The Man of Steel

Started by johnnygobbs, Sun, 30 Jan 2011, 18:52

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Love that it maintains the epic feel of the Donner films while still being completely contemporary. And judging from the little bits of the trailer, this is much more Superman the farm-boy from Kansas than the alien. That's a plus in my book.

Great trailer. That's the footage from Comic-Con, no?

I really think Cavill will be a Superman to believe in...for the first time since Reeve. I also think that this will set a new bench mark for Superhero films. It will have far greater grandeur than Thor TRIED to display and will open open up a world that will make Avengers pale in comparison. I think at the end of this flick audiences will be crying out for an expanded DC universe on the screen. That's my hope anyway.

Couldn't. Be. Happier.

If this movie delivers on half of the trailer's promise, I'll be a very happy man. If that's the best it ever gets... well, I won't say this whole thing will have been worth it (for example, I will never forgive Bryan Singer; some wounds just go too deep) but that's one hell of a high note.

I love it. This movie is gonna own and I totally agree with Paul's predictions/hopes.
"Bats frighten me. It's time my enemies shared my dread."

I've got high hopes for this one. Trailer was good.

Great Rao!

Now that is what I call a trailer to get excited about!

"Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humour was provided to console him for what he is."

Quote from: Paul (ral) on Tue, 11 Dec  2012, 23:25
I think at the end of this flick audiences will be crying out for an expanded DC universe on the screen. That's my hope anyway.

I really really hope so.

What everyone said. And... excellent choice of music from 1:26 onwards...

The Man of Steel trailer. Y'know, I'd like to think I'm coming at this thing from a pretty good head space. By 2006, I'd waited just over 3/4's of my life for a new Superman movie... and all I had to show for it was a pencil-necked bartender in a pleather cape repeating old Christopher Reeve lines while he stalked his ex. Needless to say, I was not a happy camper in the summer of 2006. And even now it hurts to even recognize that cinematic bowel movement's existence. That's how much I hate it!

So. Nothing will ever fix Bryan Singer's abortion of a Superman movie. There will *NEVER* be a day where I'm happy that crapfest Bryan Singer movie is part of the lexicon. I can't forget. It's not okay. It's never okay. Some wounds just go too deep.

So now I'm in a place where I don't NEED Man of Steel to be good. I've got decades upon decades of awesome comics, tons of cartoons and ten years of Smallville to choose from. I don't NEED this. But if MOS is everything I hope it is, I may finally be able to find peace as a Superman fan.

Besides, NOBODY has it worse than Howard the Duck fans. Just admit it.

Even the movie TED recognized the blunder that was Superman Returns.

Sure wasn't expecting it, but the out-of-nowhere Brandon Routh line was hilarious, and the following critique of the movie itself gave voice to those of us who thought it was garbage then, as well as now and forever.  ;D

"Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humour was provided to console him for what he is."