Superman: The Man of Steel

Started by johnnygobbs, Sun, 30 Jan 2011, 18:52

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Everyone's probably already seen this by now, but here's the latest Man of Steel poster.

The new trailer's expected soon.

Superman.. This is Superman, arrested, held in custody, restrained with cuffs. There's not a hint of a green stone anywhere in the picture... Unless these privates are Kryptonian henchmen of General Zod, this poster is perfect for a caption contest!

Looks like it's just Superman obeying, and humoring the law of the land. Makes it that much better if he says how he could easily break out of their custody whenever he decides, but respects them enough to stay until they let him go (which will probably be after Zod and Faora act out not so nicely live on the cable news channels).

Either that or someone asked for a birth certificate.

"Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humour was provided to console him for what he is."

Yep. Superman is about truth and justice. Transparency. Showing restraint to a wary public is the way to go. If he lashes out it would only cement their paranoid view. I'd sure as hell be worried about a new super powered alien in town.

I'm of two minds. On the one hand, I think it's a good poster. On the other hand... it's a poster for a sequel, not a reboot/first offering. There's nothing "introductory" about it. If you don't already know what Superman's powers are or who he is (and I'm not at all convinced that's common knowledge anymore), the poster makes absolutely no sense to you. It's not colorful and eye-catching either.

I once again question how much WB's heart is in this. That poster was "unlocked" online content. Basically people were supposed to visit a certain web page a bunch of times and once a satisfactory number had hit, the poster would become visible. The meter fluctuated all over the place though. 60% one day, 40% the next, 50% the next, etc. It was never going to become visible too long before it became, well, visible. It was planned and scheduled. It was transparent-as-fvck "viral" marketing and worst of all the "payoff" is a poster that has utterly no context for a reboot/new introduction. And this comes only after months of WB apparently wanting it to be top secret that a new Superman movie is coming out soon.

I'm sure the movie itself will turn out to be okay. I trust Snyder. But if the movie tanks because of a lack of promotion from WB (A) that's the end of Superman on the big screen for a long while and (B) it'll be completely WB's fault.

Fri, 7 Dec 2012, 00:50 #65 Last Edit: Fri, 7 Dec 2012, 01:07 by SilentEnigma
Yeah, showing the hero arrested isn't the best idea for a poster, this slightly annoyed me. It's like one of the Begins posters being about Batman being hunted by the Police, and even TDKR didn't have that if I remember right.

Of course Superman wouldn't lash out violently, and not only because of restraint (I read someone, somewhere, listing restraint as one of his superpowers), but he could still show them subtly (like, say, by harmlessly evaporating the cuffs with heat vision) that he was never in custody in the first place. OK, enough thought for a poster like this, but I have a thing when law & order catches the wrong guys, lol!

Even if it's fair to say that the poster is unconventional for a newly rebooted superhero franchise, one thing the poster has going for it is just how simplistic it is. With the light shining behind Superman, everything else is in black and white except him. Conveying Superman as a symbol of hope in a darkened world.

"Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humour was provided to console him for what he is."

At least it's not one of those unimaginatively generic posters where the hero/villain is standing with their back to the camera and their head tilted to the side. Every movie nowadays seems to rehash that image.

True. Whoever came up with that should be ashamed of himself.