The Dark Knight Rises

Started by The Dark Knight, Wed, 27 Oct 2010, 14:45

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This would have all been resolved if it was simply "Batman Rises".

With the previous two Nolan films having focused on the mob and corruption, I can see the Black Mask being brought into "The Dark Knight Rises". I've just always viewed him as a second string villain much like Killer Croc, and never really seriously entertained the idea of Black Mask actually being the villain for this upcoming sequel with the shoddy title, but with the Riddler being dismissed, it's definately a possibility.

As far as the Riddler being debunked as the next villain goes, I think Riddler would have made a great villain, but apparently he wasn't a character that served the plot for the third film very well. Personally, I rather enjoyed how the History Channel's documentary, "Batman Unmasked" likened the Riddler to Ted Bundy. But more in the idea of both having incredibly narcissistic personalities, with an insatiable craving for attention. Also, Riddler would also have served as a huge cerebral twist magnet, and thus testing the skills of the Dark Knight detective ...

But it just wasn't meant to be.

"Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humour was provided to console him for what he is."

I'm going to get around to posting about Riddler's exclusion and all that...but this title. It feels like we're not getting anything new. It feels like we're still stuck in 2008. We've picked up an extra word. I was hoping for something like, you know, Gotham City or something. Something at least totally different. I feel a bit cheated.

It sure is a mouthful.  Too many syllables in there.

"The Dark Knight" served the story well so I'm assuming TDKR will to. BUt you know didn't he rise in Batman Begins.  Wasn't the fact that he had risen evidenced in the sequel being called "The Dark Knight".

It might seem like fan-boy nit-picking but I am sure a better title could have been created. It seems like they had to have "The Dark Knight" in the title somewhere to capitalise in TDK's success.

Why not rename BB to The Dark Knight Begins.  ::)

I think the title should be The Dark Knight Begins to Rise While He Reurns Forever With Robin. Then they could tie it in with every film.

I'm not sure about Black Mask,mainly because his unique look was sort of appropriated for Scarecrow in the previous films (i.e. A regular suit with a strange mask). I wouldn't mind seeing him though, because my favorite Batman villains are a crazy variation on gangsters. I think Nolan could do some interesting things with the Ventriloquist.

Personally I'm hoping Two-Face is still featured, but I'm not holding my breath (Darn Nolan and his inconsistent loyalty to realism).
Why is there always someone who bring eggs and tomatoes to a speech?

Quote from: Paul (ral) on Wed, 27 Oct  2010, 18:20
Why not rename BB to The Dark Knight Begins.  ::)

It wouldn't surprise me if Warner Bros releases a boxset with that title.  Wasn't 'Raiders of the Lost Ark' changed to 'Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark' at one stage?
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

Quote from: Paul (ral) on Wed, 27 Oct  2010, 18:20
It sure is a mouthful.  Too many syllables in there.

Why not rename BB to The Dark Knight Begins.  ::)

Reboot title.

"Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humour was provided to console him for what he is."

I too was hoping for something really non-conformist like "Gotham City" or "Shadow of the Bat" but let's face it: 99% of moviegoers will be asking for a ticket to "Batman" when they're at the box office.

Yes, the title is a letdown, but times like this make me appreciate what we have even more. I shall now proceed to play Waltz to the Death at full volume and prance about like it's 1989.

"Madness is the emergency exit. You can just step outside, and close the door on all those dreadful things that happened. You can lock them away... forever."

I think the title is okay, I like it, it's th movie itself that will determine if Nolan's trilogy ends on a high note. I guess I would have preferred "Knightfall" or "Knightquest" or something along those lines.