Burton's Animated Batman 3 Petition

Started by myway, Tue, 15 Apr 2008, 21:05

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Hey guys, I'm thinking of starting a petition to have WB to produce a direct to DVD animated movie which will follow Batman and BR in the style of the first two.  Basically, it's a chance for Tim Burton to make the third movie that he would have made had he not been replaced as director.  Is there any interest?

I'd be interested in anything that serves as a conclusion. I do think it will happen in the form of an animated picture. But, I think it will happened after the conclusion of this new trilogy ans the hype dies down and Fan interest Burton/Bat gears back up.

Its no secret that I, along with pretty much everyone else on this board, would love to see what Burtons 3 would have been. Realistically though, I think a novelization would probably be the way we could get it.

Thats the likely outcome. A graphic Novel would be smashing.

(Go look at my Charater specfic forever posters!}

Not going to happen. A petition can't make someone do something that they don't want to do, and Burton doesn't want any further part of Batman.
"There's just as much room for the television series and the comic books as there is for my movie. Why wouldn't there be?" - Tim Burton

Actually, a animated version of Batman 3 sounds like a great idea. With the appropriate Burton atmosphere and Keaton, Pfeiffer and Billy Dee Williams lending their voices. It's unlikely, though. A graphic novel illustrated by Burton and his art department would be a brilliant alternative too.

QuoteIts no secret that I, along with pretty much everyone else on this board, would love to see what Burtons 3 would have been. Realistically though, I think a novelization would probably be the way we could get it.

I think this is the most likely scenario out of the three possibilities listed.  I would love to see an animated film, or a graphic novel, in the Burton 'world of story.'  But I'm not sure we'll see that anytime soon, if at all. 

You know what I'd like to see, it'd never happen, but I'd love it anyway. A CGI/Mo-cap sequel set in the Burton-verse. Batman looks like Keaton etc. It would be awesome.
"Excuse me. You ever danced with the devil by the pale moonlight?"

I'd love anything. As long as it comes from Burton himself. I just want to know what exactly he would have done with a 3rd installment.

Quote from: PJ on Sun, 20 Apr  2008, 08:44
You know what I'd like to see, it'd never happen, but I'd love it anyway. A CGI/Mo-cap sequel set in the Burton-verse. Batman looks like Keaton etc. It would be awesome.

That seems to be a growing media these days, and it wouldn't surprise me one bit.