'92 Nostalgia... Your Memories of the Hype and Personal Experiences

Started by Rebel, Sat, 9 Oct 2010, 02:30

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I didn't see a thread specifically covering this here so I decided to take a page from shadowbat69's "89" thread: http://www.batmanmovieonline.com/forum/index.php?topic=15.0

So, please go back in time and share :)

I was 10 years old when I first saw this in theaters. I was still in shock from the greatness of BATMAN (1989) so you can imagine how excited I was to see this on opening night!

Also, I think I was hitting puberty at that time 'cause when I saw the scene where Catwoman licks Batman in the trailer my interest in watching the film increased in ...uuuh...size.  :)

Quote from: Rebel on Sat,  9 Oct  2010, 02:30Also, I think I was hitting puberty at that time 'cause when I saw the scene where Catwoman licks Batman in the trailer my interest in watching the film increased in ...uuuh...size.  :)
I bet it did ;D I didn't see Batman Returns until 2002 when I was 14, and I didn't much like it at the time, but over the years and watches, as I've gradually gotten more and more in-tune with the film's dark, twisted sensibilities, it's become one of my favorite Bat films. Great creativity, style, and lots of unpredictability in it, which I appreciate. Catwoman's presence don't hurt either ;)

I remember really enjoying the hype at the time. My dad and I ate at McDonalds prior to seeing the film, and we got two of the big plastic BR cups; the one with Batman and the one with Penguin in his duck boat. (Both are sadly no longer with us :'(). After leaving the theater I wasn't disappointed, but I wasn't overly excited either, It took viewings of Batman Forever and Batman and Robin for me to appreciate it more.
Why is there always someone who bring eggs and tomatoes to a speech?

Well, dont ask me how, but I was completely unaware of Batman Returns and dint expect any kind of hype at all. No, I did not live under the rock in 1992  ;D, but I have not seen one ad, one trailer, haven't heard one mention from anybody. Then the first day it got released on VHS my dad rented it and brought it home and I was like "what the...". Imagine my surprise. Not knowing that theres a sequel and the bam! Here it is , with no waiting, nothing

Quote from: GothamAlleys on Sun, 10 Oct  2010, 11:54
Well, dont ask me how, but I was completely unaware of Batman Returns and dint expect any kind of hype at all. No, I did not live under the rock in 1992  ;D, but I have not seen one ad, one trailer, haven't heard one mention from anybody. Then the first day it got released on VHS my dad rented it and brought it home and I was like "what the...". Imagine my surprise. Not knowing that theres a sequel and the bam! Here it is , with no waiting, nothing
What'd you think of it at the time?

I could have swore there was a thread for this...

On late night telly I saw a lengthy promo that had the Shrek store exploding. Thinking it was going to be a straight sequel to 89 I mistook it for the theatre. A key landmark that had embedded in my mind was blowing up? I though to myself "Gotham is gonna be destroyed, this will be awesome". The next day I was talking to friends about it who missed the promo and telling them all the things I saw.

Anyway, I missed Returns in the cinema. The local one had closed by then I think and all I could do was watch the trailers on TV and be sad that i was missing it.

By this time however Dad had bought a video player so Batman 89 was getting a regular viewing by now and I was also getting to watch other movies on a weekly basis...video games had also come along to occupy my time. The hype from 89 still hadn't left me.

Once Returns got a video release I was first in line to hire it out. Back then video shops had only 1 copy (2 at most) so it was exciting to get to see it first.

I watched it with my dad and uncle. Neither of them liked it (though they did like 89) and for a long time it tainted my opinion of it. I liked it but not a whole lot. It was not what I expected at all. It wasn't like 89. It felt more like a tv production at times - probably due to seeing it in full-screen. That said, I did watch it repeatily and it was the first video I bought (when I could afford to in the mid to late 90s). It was many years later before I would get a letter-box version on VHS - that opened up the sets and really changed my opinion of the movie.

What are your feelings about Batman Returns now Ral? 

It would be kind of strange if the founder of a tribute site to Burton's two Batman movies wasn't really a fan of one or another of the films.
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

Oh no, I am a fan of Returns..I just wasn't immediately. I won't hide the fact that I prefer B89 though.

That said though, there are parts of Returns that I think are better and more evolved than B89.

Quote from: Paul (ral) on Sun, 10 Oct  2010, 22:27
Oh no, I am a fan of Returns..I just wasn't immediately. I won't hide the fact that I prefer B89 though.

That said though, there are parts of Returns that I think are better and more evolved than B89.

Apart from the 'immediately' part (I loved Returns from the get go), I'm with you.  I prefer B89 overall, but I agree that aspects of Returns are superior.
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

I make no secret that BR is my favourite of the two. However, I fully accept the notion that B89 is the icon of the two. The straight up classic. I loved both films from the get-go, and for quite a long time, I couldn't pick between them. I would say B89 was ahead by a nose, and got a tad more airtime. But eventually, and with age, I settled on this basic mantra: B89 is more memorable, BR is more interesting.

In my opinion, comparing the two films is like comparing the respective end credits music. In B89 we get the iconic and straight to the point Batman Theme. In BR, we get the Batman Theme again, but with the Penguin and Catwoman cues added on after it. Sure, there are two extra characters in the film, but in my mind, it's symbolic to how BR went that extra mile.

I didn't get the chance to see BR at the cinemas. However, I saw it on VHS. I recall looking through a video store, seeing the BR totem pole poster, wanting to hire it out, only to be greeted by a concerned look by my mother. I knew something had to be up with it. The poster didn't look childish, that's for sure. And that appealed to me. And the rest is history.