Batman / Elfman petition

Started by Paul (ral), Tue, 15 Apr 2008, 12:01

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Hi guys,

I'm trying to get the word out for a petition I've started.

If you would like to see Danny Elfman's Batman sountracks get the royal treatment, then sign the petition

Spread the word!

Done! I'd love to see this as a special edition set.

It would be nice. Next year would be the prime time to do it as well. Lets hope WB does something, anythning with the 20th anniversary.

Wed, 16 Apr 2008, 23:36 #4 Last Edit: Wed, 16 Apr 2008, 23:39 by Gotham Knight
Bonus tracks! that include

Demo Verson of theme

Newly recorded Concert Verson of theme and Decsent into Mystery overseen by Elfman and company.

Extended Batman March

New variation of theme (Not listed on track list) as a surprise with seperate track intro by elfman congraulating listener for listening to the very end of the cd without bailing out prematurely and briefly describing the next track as what might have been a opening march to Batman 3. (Dream Track)

Are you guys gonna send this to WB?

when enough signatures are collected, it will be forwarded on to as many WB departments as possible.

You might even want to throw it at Elfman's peps. He might be very receptive to the idea. ;D

good idea.

we just need to make as many interested people aware and get them to sign.

I'm with all of you guys. Danny's score needs to get the treatment that John Williams's Superman score got.


However, I would be more interested in a Shirley Walker collection first.
She did the scores for all the DC cartoon shows (Batman: TAS, Superman: TAS, ...)
She passed away in 2006 and has yet to recieve proper recognition.
They released a great OST for Batman: Mask of the Phantasm and Batman Beyond, but that's about it.
WB could at least release one double CD containing themes from Batman: The Animated Series as a tribute.

Could we combine the two petitions, raleagh?