Bruce Wayne - What if his parents hadn't been killed?

Started by johnnygobbs, Fri, 30 Jul 2010, 06:33

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It seems to me that this one, admittedly significant event in Bruce's life shaped not only his raison detre, but his entire personality, which makes me wonder, how would Bruce Wayne have turned out as an adult if his parents hadn't been shot right in front of him when he was a child?

Up until the murder of his parents Bruce was living an extremely privileged life.  He was an only child to one of the wealthiest families in the world, his parents seemd to dote on him and he was presumably surrounded by servants, including Alfred, who catered to what ever he required.  The Bruce Wayne we know was traumatised by his parents death and consequently dedicated his life to fighting crime and upholding justice, as well as contributing to numerous good causes in his public guise, but if he hadn't suffered such a loss I can only conclude that he might have ended up much like the idle playboy persona used by Christian Bale's Bruce Wayne in order to deflect any association with Batman. 

Although I don't personally know any massively rich people, in my limited experience most of them tend to be pretty spoiled and occasionally shallow people, and although it's clear that Bruce Wayne's parents were good people (his father being a civic-minded doctor after all) I would be surprised to see anyone who grew up in Bruce's  surroundings be any different had he not experienced such tragedy early on in life.

What does everyone else think?  Would Bruce have turned out to be a completely different person had he not watched his parents gunned down in front of him, or would he have still grown up to be a similar type of person, albeit less tragic, dedicated to serving the community in a more conventional manner? 
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

he prolly would have been what the bruce wanye in the nolan movies pretends to be.

I think he would've definitely been a charitable person. Even the most shallow of wealthy people tend to participate in charitable efforts.

But I think his do-gooding ways would probably end with his checkbook. I'd like to think we all want to help the less fortunate. But short of volunteering with non-profits and donating money, there's not much that can be done without breaking the law. And let's face it: Batman is a law-breaker.

I suppose he could've joined the police force. But I don't know too many billionaire copes. And without the impetus of his parent's death, there would be no reason for him to dedicate his life to fighting crime.

Well, no matter what, I don't think Keaton's Bruce would get around like Bale's Bruce. Parents alive or not, I still think Keaton's Bruce would be odd and more or less himself, although more stable and happy. You are who you are. I see Burton's Wayne family sticking more to themselves and not being social butterflies. Even if the traumatic event didn't happen, it's the same guy. He had that person deep inside him and would be able to make similar decisions if pushed.

Keatons Bruce is portrayed as a society outcast and someone who seems dark and tortured and hides in the shadows. You can tell he's heavily traumatized by his parents death and likely would have turned out very differently.

Kilmer's Bruce seems to be the noblest of the bunch and portrays Bruce Wayne as both charitable and heroic but is still fighting the demons.

Clooney is definitely playing into the playboy millionare mantle but by this point he is supposed to be over his demons.

Bale tries to essentially mask Bruce wayne by acting like a flake in public. He had to get rescued by the league of shadows. Very unlikely that he would have gone to prison had his parents not died, it seems that in the years between his parents murder and his resurfacing in gotham, he tried to essentially disappear and is shocked Henri Ducard finds him and knows who he is.

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Fri, 20 Aug  2010, 01:48
Well, no matter what, I don't think Keaton's Bruce would get around like Bale's Bruce. Parents alive or not, I still think Keaton's Bruce would be odd and more or less himself, although more stable and happy. You are who you are. I see Burton's Wayne family sticking more to themselves and not being social butterflies. Even if the traumatic event didn't happen, it's the same guy. He had that person deep inside him and would be able to make similar decisions if pushed.

Agreed. I just can't see Keaton's Wayne acting like a playboy similar to those from gossip magazines. I always picture him as the kind of rich guy that uses his wealth to pursue his hobbies/interests (perhaps an art collector, like the armour collection we see in the first film, or a collector of vintage automobiles, as seen in BF), and not just one of those rich heirs that lounge around in parties.

Quote from: SilentEnigma on Mon, 30 Aug  2010, 09:41
Agreed. I just can't see Keaton's Wayne acting like a playboy similar to those from gossip magazines. I always picture him as the kind of rich guy that uses his wealth to pursue his hobbies/interests (perhaps an art collector, like the armour collection we see in the first film, or a collector of vintage automobiles, as seen in BF), and not just one of those rich heirs that lounge around in parties.

Great points SilentEnigma.  I think you're spot on about Keaton's Bruce Wayne.  I could also see him entering politics or becoming a major philanthropist.
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

Quote from: riddler on Tue, 24 Aug  2010, 05:28
Keatons Bruce is portrayed as a society outcast and someone who seems dark and tortured and hides in the shadows. You can tell he's heavily traumatized by his parents death and likely would have turned out very differently.

I wouldn't call Keaton's Bruce an "outcast". He was a hermit by choice, and when he threw a party, everyone important made sure to make an appearance.

Quote from: GothamStalker on Wed, 29 Sep  2010, 20:10
I wouldn't call Keaton's Bruce an "outcast". He was a hermit by choice
Indeed. There had to be a point to his travels. He walked the streets, but more often than not, only when neccesary. It all meant something and was somehow tied into his crusade.

In B89, he drives into town to place the flowers for his parents, and to observe the press conference. He ventures out to Vicki's apartment to attempt to tell her the truth, and in turn change his very existence. And the meeting is, well it was meant to be, an isolated one on one sitaution.

He ventured into town to have a meeting with Shreck in BR. And sure, he later met Selina in the City square, but I gather it was not a chance meeting. I suspect he was scoping her out after being bowled over by her at the meeting. And he then commented that he "wouldn't be caught dead" at the tree lighting ceremony - where he manages to lure her back to his domain.