The Batman

Started by Paul (ral), Sun, 4 Jul 2010, 00:17

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Quote from: thecolorsblend on Fri, 26 Jun  2020, 15:02
I would've been up for that. I doubt they would've taken the same liberties that modern DC animated films are becoming infamous for.

Agreed. The 2019 Hush movie was pretty bad. I can't imagine this being worse.

I'm hoping The Batman gets a Blu-ray release at some point. I think it deserves one. I recently purchased BTAS on the format, along with Beyond, and it's well worth it. I wasn't that bothered about upgrading them from DVD in the past, but an affordable price came along and I jumped for it.

As lower-spectrum Millennials and upper-spectrum Zoomers are coming of age, I find this show is getting a lot of reevaluation.

To wit:

Quote from: thecolorsblend on Thu,  9 Jul  2020, 01:08
As lower-spectrum Millennials and upper-spectrum Zoomers are coming of age, I find this show is getting a lot of reevaluation.
I feel that too, and I'm glad. I have a suspicion the show will be a lot more known for the simple fact the Reeves film shares the same name, which is a positive flow on effect. TB doesn't receive alternate suit skins on videogames or anything like that, which makes it feel unloved or simply invisible, to the point people probably didn't even know it existed. I'd like that to change. Always comparing it to BTAS is where the problems lie, and it's hard to escape given it followed immediately afterwards.

I do find it interesting that the Penguin on that show is another version of the Danny Devito Penguin. You'd assume WB would think that version was out of date by that point.

I mentioned I'm going through a Dracula thing right now in some other thread. So today's entertainment? The Batman vs. Dracula.

Not bad. Not amazing either but not bad. It's a fun little supernatural horror romp. An entertaining change of pace from The Batman's usual tone. Not that there's anything bad about its usual tone. But sometimes, changing things up can be a lot of fun.

People who are more knowledgeable about The Batman usually say that The Batman vs. Dracula can't truly be part of the show's continuity for a variety of reasons. Honestly, I'm not too worried about that. It looks like The Batman, uses the same type of music, obviously has the same voice cast. So I'm fine with the movie pretty much no matter what.

It won't change your life but it's a fun little adventure. Recommended.

I've never actually seen The Batman vs. Dracula movie. I tried getting hold of a copy years ago, but for some reason it always seemed to suffer from limited availability in the UK compared to other animated Batman films. But I would like to see it. I dig Batman vampire stories, and I like The Batman TV series, so this sounds like my kind of thing.

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Fri, 26 Jun  2020, 15:37
I'm hoping The Batman gets a Blu-ray release at some point. I think it deserves one. I recently purchased BTAS on the format, along with Beyond, and it's well worth it. I wasn't that bothered about upgrading them from DVD in the past, but an affordable price came along and I jumped for it.
My hopes have come true: we're getting a Complete Series Blu-ray release on February 1, 2022.

Day one buy.

Sounds good to me.