Batman and Batman Returns? - Fill in the blanks...

Started by johnnygobbs, Thu, 17 Jun 2010, 12:46

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Ok, this is a fun thread to allow each other to ask and respond to questions about our favourite Batman films?

I'll start the ball rolling...

How old do you think Keaton's Bruce Wayne was by the start of the first Batman film?
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

Quote from: johnnygobbs on Thu, 17 Jun  2010, 12:46
How old do you think Keaton's Bruce Wayne was by the start of the first Batman film?
Well, Keaton was 38 in 1989.

But as Wayne in the film, I'd say he's a couple of years or more younger than that.

I can't remember for sure, but I think the novelization made some reference to it being twenty years exactly to the Waynes' murder, and Bruce being nine at the time, which means he would have been 29 during the events of BATMAN.

Like I said, I might not remember it correctly,and I do not have my copy of the novel readily available at the moment.
Why is there always someone who bring eggs and tomatoes to a speech?

For what it's worth, the shooting script has a line where Bruce says he's 35.  (Later, it's revealed that Thomas Wayne was the same age when he was shot down).  This is absent from the final film, though.
That awkward moment when you remember the only Batman who's never killed is George Clooney...

Great answers guys.  I personally figure that Bruce Wayne can't be too old since it appears that he's in the early days as a crime-fighter when the film begins.  On the other hand, it's perfetly conceivable that he's spent the previous ten years or so training abroad.

Ok, so my next question: Do you think Keaton's Batman had many girlfriends before Vicki Vale, or do you think he was quite inhibited before he met her?
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

Fri, 18 Jun 2010, 01:58 #5 Last Edit: Fri, 18 Jun 2010, 02:15 by The Dark Knight
Quote from: johnnygobbs on Thu, 17 Jun  2010, 20:48
Ok, so my next question: Do you think Keaton's Batman had many girlfriends before Vicki Vale, or do you think he was quite inhibited before he met her?
I'll use this quote as a basis:

Alfred: "Miss Vale called again. Dare I suggest that your present course of action might simply strengthen her resolve. She is quite tenacious."
Bruce: "You're right about that. "
Alfred: "And if I may say so, quite special. Perhaps you could try telling her the truth."

Keaton's Wayne is not the life of the party. He slinks around the perimeter. He can do social interaction if need be, but he's the type that would find it draining. The loner aspect of being Batman crosses over and finds this human stuff awkward.

I think this Bruce has had casual flings before in the vein of Vicki - you know, special invites to Wayne Manor where he can isolate them and be one on one, but they were just that. Flings.

Alfred views this woman as quite special. Someone you could share a massive secret with. Someone to trust. I think you can only really say that when you have something to compare her to. Unlike the others, Vicki keeps calling back and making something of it. She actually seems to connect and care, but apart from Alfred, Bruce is not really used to that, and is dismissive.

he seemed like a recluse. not like a playboy.

Quote from: Catwoman on Mon, 28 Jun  2010, 07:09
ask another one.

Ok.  I'm thinking of some more.  I'll get back to you soon... :)
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

QuoteUnlike the others, Vicki keeps calling back and making something of it.
Yeah, she's wants to make something out of Bruce's WALLET! ;D