your take

Started by Catwoman, Sat, 15 May 2010, 03:58

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got this idea from the interesting perspective thread. how about everyone write a nice, long, hopefully interesting (lol) summary of what they thought of batman returns and its effect on them.

i'll wait till some others do theirs before i do mine to make sure its worth it.

Watch the Black & White Commentaries edition of the film, located in the Batman Returns section of thee Burton Films fourms.

Batman returns is the first batmovie I ever owned. I was 9 when it came out and got it for christmas. I loved it. I gave it to my cousin around 1997.

I bought it again around 2006 on DVD and obviously saw it under a different light. I loved the whole gothic tone and IMO to this day remains the only successful superhero horror film (ghost rider tries but not that successful). I just love the characters Bruce, the Penguin, Shreck, and Selina and how they all have special relationships with each other. Batman particularily has a connection with them all on different levels; he and Shreck are business rivals, Selina being the love interest and bachlorette counterpart, the Penguin also losing his parents at an early age.

This film really got you rooting for Batman, seeing the Penguin frame him and then Batman returning the favour.

I find it an intersting change from the first film- the first one was more like the old school crime gangster films, this was more Burtonesque.

No matter what new Bat films come out, this one will always have a special place.

Batman Returns' effect on me? How it makes me feel. It is emotionally real. It grabs me on a personal level in ways bloated spectacles cannot. Like the main characters, the film is misunderstood and common people don't truly comprehend it.

This weirdness is reality to me. When it comes down to it, these are broken people existing in a twisted world, all motivated by a lack of love, dealing with their own struggles and pain. And the melancholy vibe by means of Elfman and so on amplifies it all. Sad is happy to deep people.

Fri, 17 Sep 2010, 07:37 #4 Last Edit: Fri, 17 Sep 2010, 07:42 by GothamStalker
BR was bold, unapologetic, and honest. As a superhero film (if you can even call it that) it took a giant step away from the grain by giving us characters whose stories started and ended in bitterness.

The Penguin was given hope of social acceptance, but because of his own actions and loose tongue, that hope was taken away from him.

Catwoman was given hope of knowing a man who she could connect with on a very deep level, but because of her own emotional damage and quest for vengeance, that was taken away from her.

Whenever I watch it, I reflect on life. About how so many of our dreams of grandeur and idealism can realistically only remain as dreams. And even if when what we always wanted ends up right in front of us to take, we can't bring ourselves to do so. Because somehow, after the journey of getting there, the destination suddenly seems like it's no longer worth touching. If that makes any sense.

Quote from: Darrell Kaiser on Sat, 15 May  2010, 06:28
Watch the Black & White Commentaries edition of the film, located in the Batman Returns section of thee Burton Films fourms.
I watched it I was fairly entertain with both commentaries thanks
you ever dance with the devil on a pale moon light