Marlon Wayans Gets Residual Checks for Batman Returns (?)

Started by phantom stranger, Tue, 20 Apr 2010, 02:29

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QuoteWayans: I was actually supposed to play Robin, in Batman Returns, about 15 years ago. But there was too many characters. I was cast, I was paid and everything. I still get residual checks. Tim Burton didn't wind up doing three, Joel Schumacher did it and he had a different vision for who Robin was. So he hired Chris O' Donnell.

Are you happy that you didn't wind up being Robin in that movie?

Wayans: No, look ? I get why they picked Chris O' Donnell, because it would be messed up to have Batman and you've got Robin, and his bulge is somewhat bigger than Batman's. Batman would have a serious problem with that.

The codpiece should have had it's own publicist.

"Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humour was provided to console him for what he is."

they actually had him in an early draft of Returns...he was supposed to come in at the end to help Batman repair the batmobile after the Penguin booby trapped it