what if?!

Started by Catwoman, Wed, 17 Mar 2010, 13:56

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Quote from: ral on Thu, 18 Mar  2010, 12:36
with the black make-up around his eyes he probably still would have been unrecognisable!

imagine their reaction if they were under the influence of axis chemical fumes.

"it ain't no batman! its a racoon man!"


Thu, 18 Mar 2010, 17:38 #11 Last Edit: Tue, 15 Feb 2011, 16:49 by THE BAT-MAN
Quote from: Catwoman on Thu, 18 Mar  2010, 09:51
ok here's what i think would have happened.

penguin would have grabbed the one that has a knife in the end of it and tried to throw it at batman like a javelin...and it would have landed like two feet in front of him and he would have collapsed and died right there.

I don't think that Penguin would be able to use the knife tipped umbrella.  I know that you wanted to move on to the next "What if," but I thought you should be reminded.  Remember what happened earlier.  "When it all comes down to is, who's holding the umbrella?"  Penguin was fighting batman using the knife tipped umbrella and eventually broked it.  So, I highly doubt that it would end this way.

Quote from: THE BAT-MAN on Thu, 18 Mar  2010, 17:38
Quote from: Catwoman on Thu, 18 Mar  2010, 09:51
ok here's what i think would have happened.

penguin would have grabbed the one that has a knife in the end of it and tried to throw it at batman like a javelin...and it would have landed like two feet in front of him and he would have collapsed and died right there.

I don't think that Penguin would be able to use the knife tipped umbrella.  I know that you wanted to move on to the next "What if," but I thought you should be reminded.  Remember what happened earlier.  "When it all comes down to is, who's holding the umbrella?"  Penguin was fighting batman using the knife tipped umbrella and eventually broked it.  So, I highly doubt that it would end this way.

sh*t! you're right. :-[

So to conclude:

Whatever trick umbrella he picked, the result was going to be exactly the same.

we'd already concluded and moved on but n one did it but ral. :(

thanks boss man *rubs your head* oooooo shi...ok i'll stop.


Quote from: Catwoman on Fri, 19 Mar  2010, 13:51
we'd already concluded and moved on but n one did it but ral. :(

huh?  :-\

Quote from: ral on Fri, 19 Mar  2010, 19:42
Quote from: Catwoman on Fri, 19 Mar  2010, 13:51
we'd already concluded and moved on but n one did it but ral. :(

huh?  :-\

the only one to do the new scenario.

Quote from: Catwoman on Fri, 19 Mar  2010, 20:36
the only one to do the new scenario.

...and The Dark Knight.  Yes, Batman was lucky that Vicki took the picture when she did, though I'm sure he would have been prepared to smack the hell out of The Joker' goons even if they hadn't been distracted.
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

WHAT IF...the security "guards" in shrecks were STRAIGHT (nice try) women instead of lovestruck bozos who have eaten too many donuts?


Who is she?  What is she?

I don't know but I would kill for a figure like that.  Her corset is almost half the size of one of my legs!

You poor girls...you just can't put down those doughnuts can you?

Hey, are you suggesting we're fat?  That does it...I'm shooting her right now.

Offended, the guards begin to unholster their weapons.  Before they can fire, Catwoman thrashed her whip knocking the pistols out of their hands.

Don't hurt us!  Our take-home is less than two-hundred.

You're over...Hey, the other guys get three-hundred.  What kind of deal is Shreck pulling with you girls?

You mean our male colleagues get paid a hundred dollars more than us?

Catwoman nods sagely.

The two security guards turn their heads to look at one another.

(to her colleague)
You know what?  Let's help her trash this joint!

Whilst Catwoman goes about picking up a handful of aerosol cans and starts to stuff them into a row of microwave ovens, the two security guards pick up a pair of baseball bats from Shreck Sports and start knocking balls into the giant TV screens in the electrical department after shooting their pistols straight into the various security cameras dotted throughout the department store.  Before Ctawoman is ready to set off the microwaves with the aerosol cans inside the two women ascend to the top level of the store and with a pair of garden shears from Shreck Garden Department proceed to cut the giant Shreck cats head logo causing it to crash and leave a massive dent in the middle of the floor before rolling throughout the stre knocking down various aisles before smashing through the doors of the entrance and into the street.

Moments later, Catwoman emerges from the store hand in hand between the two security guards skipping into the street just moments before the store bows up a couple of hundred yards behind them...
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.