max shooting selina

Started by Catwoman, Sat, 6 Mar 2010, 07:40

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ok i know i asked about this a couple times but not like this. without any deep thinking bullsh*t, just tell me, what did you think of max shooting selina and the writers going that way in the climax.

everyone knows i love that scene, since i keep having it in my siggy, but i want to know what everyone else thinks.

first off it just seemed kind of weird to me, i mean here's catwoman the most famous batman villain ever behind the joker and she's reduced to taking four bullets? idk why. it just seemed a little weird.

secondly, i love how he keeps shooting her and she keeps coming at him. it was kind of like symbolic or whatever of a woman's toughness in general and literally showed her toughness specifically.

third, was max a dumbass or what? he waits till she gets RIGHT TO HIM before he tries to finish her. if he was smart, which he obviously wasn't, he would have tried to finish her off while she was still on the ground, gasping and sh*t, and when he realized his gun was empty he could have just run or something. like i said. dumbass. lol.

when i first saw it it was kind of shocking to have a woman getting shot in a movie cause i'd never seen that before. now its like i said, kind of symbolic with the guy with the gun shooting the unarmed woman and she keeps coming at him and kills him anyway.

ok so you guys tell me what you thought of it when you first saw it, what you think of it now, etc.

and remember...six seven, all good girls go to heaven! ;)

Quote from: Catwoman on Sat,  6 Mar  2010, 07:40first off it just seemed kind of weird to me, i mean here's catwoman the most famous batman villain ever behind the joker and she's reduced to taking four bullets? idk why. it just seemed a little weird.
Even though she could have appeared again, say in Batman Forever, I have always viewed her appearance in Batman Returns as a one-off because of the nature of the finale. She has one life left, but has to be very careful from now on. She is essentially reduced to being a mere mortal once more, and her revenge has consequences. It came at a price.

Quote from: Catwoman on Sat,  6 Mar  2010, 07:40secondly, i love how he keeps shooting her and she keeps coming at him. it was kind of like symbolic or whatever of a woman's toughness in general and literally showed her toughness specifically.
Good point. As Catwoman, she was a strong, empowered woman who didn't let anyone get her down. But by that point, she had basically lost all care and concern for everything, even her own life. She wanted Max dead. Period. I wouldn't be surprised if she went on the straight and narrow after Returns. Or toned down her activities. It's a bit like Harvey Dent in TDK. He was born from a personal grudge, and that could only go so far.

Quote from: Catwoman on Sat,  6 Mar  2010, 07:40third, was max a dumbass or what? he waits till she gets RIGHT TO HIM before he tries to finish her. if he was smart, which he obviously wasn't, he would have tried to finish her off while she was still on the ground, gasping and sh*t, and when he realized his gun was empty he could have just run or something. like i said. dumbass. lol.
I suspect Max was absolutely gobsmacked by the events. I mean, he's just blasted bullet after bullet into her at point blank range, and yet she still moves forward very much alive. Personally, in that situation, I would expect only to fire one bullet. At most, two. But when that fails, you would question if these were actually lead bullets. And the notion of the supernatural would definitely enter your mind.

All in all, it's a cool and brave scene. It's dark in nature and weird. Perfect Burton

wow thanks for giving me a real response instead of insulting me.


Quote from: Catwoman on Sat,  6 Mar  2010, 08:33
wow thanks for giving me a real response instead of insulting me.
Just know I'll be posting in your "who would have died first?" thread at some stage.

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Sat,  6 Mar  2010, 08:23

She has one life left, but has to be very careful from now on.