You've just been consulted to decide Bruce's new look when he returns...

Started by Bat-Wing, Tue, 23 Feb 2010, 02:28

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I'd probably bother looking at those covers if didn't make my have to scroll sideways on my widescreen monitor.

Black suit with yellow oval. If they want to put in a blue tint for highlights, fine, but for God's sake, get rid of the stupid "underwear outside the tights" look.

He's a bit too bulky, but this is more or less what I'd like.

I always liked that look myself.  But that didn't last too long, right?  It's hard to remember but I swear to think it was here today, gone later today.

^ That's more or less the Earth One suit. So it's doubtful we'll see something like that.

Batman's new look:

It is quite similar to the Earth One and the Marvel-Batman phantom stranger posted. I would've thought they would have gone for something a bit different.

But anyway, I like it. Good colour scheme. I'm glad the yellow emblem is back.

So the oval is back?


8)  8)  8)

"Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humour was provided to console him for what he is."

Is it just me or does that look like a gun holster on Batman's belt?

Why is there always someone who bring eggs and tomatoes to a speech?

I liked the way they drew Batman in The Legends Of The Dark Knight series.

I didn't like the new suit at first, but this pic has finally sold me on it:

Would like it even more if the whole suit was as black as those gloves and boots...with modern coloring, we don't have
to fear an all black costume.