You've just been consulted to decide Bruce's new look when he returns...

Started by Bat-Wing, Tue, 23 Feb 2010, 02:28

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...what would you go with?

A return to the look we've had since "New Gotham," a return to the oval and capsule belt, or something else entirely?

I'd want to go bring the black costume back, but this time, not just in a halfhearted way. No blue boots or cowl/cape/gloves. My changes:

*Full black costume

*A return to the oval, but the yellow is now gray

*A belt with pouches AND mini-canisters. Color: dark khaki or gray.

I found a pic from "No Man's Land" that pretty much nails the look. You'll notice the capsules/pouches on the belt. I just made the belt and oval gray.

I would also like to see a return to the black, and that oval with the grey you suggested actually sounds good. The strictly black animalistic look, similar to Batman89 can work. I think they only need to adjust it for flexibility around the arms, neck and legs. We may not get it but who knows, they might change the look a bit for the next film.

I think it's pretty clear that Kane + Finger envisioned a black and dark'ish gray outfit.  How in the hell that ever morphed into a bright blue/light gray outfit is utterly friggin beyond me but that look should be adhered to.

It's long enough after B&R that the gray space encircling the bat emblem doesn't bother me.  And ever since reading BY1, I've never minded a gray/khaki utility belt.

The main modification I'd like to see is the cape taking on a more wing-like appearance.  At some point, the cape became more of a traditional superhero thing.  Nothing wrong with that, it's been done well, but when Wayne inevitably comes back, I'd like to see more of a wing'ish appearance for the cape.  Perhaps not as drastic and, dare I say, goofy looking as Kane's could sometimes look but definitely not a standard superhero cape.

Post-BB and TDK, I don't think a wing cape will bother too many folks.

I wouldn't necessarily say no to more Kane-style bat ears but there's no need to go overboard in Golden Age gushings.

Batman's outfit, like Batman himself, leaves a lot of room for innovation and interpretation.  It's one of the best things about the character, for my money.

Indeed. Modify certain aspects of the suit to improve mobility and effectiveness, but always retain the dark colours. Black and grey. And I think he can get away with navy.

For what it is intended to accomplish, it is timeless. The suit is intended to blend into the night and terrify enemies. There is no other reasoning that can be used for it other than that.

I simply cannot see a serious and intelligent Bruce Wayne fighting hardened street scum dressed like Adam West?s Batman. 1, he'd be laughed at, and 2, he'd be shot dead pretty quickly.

Quote from: Bat-Wing on Tue, 23 Feb  2010, 02:28
I found a pic from "No Man's Land" that pretty much nails the look. You'll notice the capsules/pouches on the belt. I just made the belt and oval gray.

That sort of look works for me.

Personally, I miss the oval. Partly because I grew up on Jim Aparo's Batman where it was always around, but I think a return to it would be nice whenever Bruce dons the cape and cowl again in the upcoming, "Return of Bruce Wayne" arc.

"Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humour was provided to console him for what he is."

He took a trip to Vegas to bet on some dog races, lost his entire fortune on a single bet and then he faked his death.


Yeah, it sort of is a weird relationship with Grant Morrison's work I have.  Some of the time I love him (JLA, All-Star Superman) and other times I want to introduce to the business end of a shiv (Final Crisis, Batman RIP, et al).

It's weird.