Nolan to mentor Superman reboot

Started by The Dark Knight, Tue, 9 Feb 2010, 16:24

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Claiming the rumor is "some dirty quote taken out of context," Zimmer affirms that he has no plans to score Superman, likening attempting to improve John Williams' original theme to "rewriting Beethoven?s ninth."

Claiming the rumor is "some dirty quote taken out of context," Zimmer affirms that he has no plans to score Superman, likening attempting to improve John Williams' original theme to "rewriting Beethoven?s ninth."

I'm kind of disappointed to be honest.  It sounds like a bit of a cop-out to me.  Does this mean they're going top go down the same route that Brian Singer went down and simply re-use John Williams' score because they're unable to come up with anything half as good?

At least for all his critics, Nolan didn't let the brilliance of Danny Elfman's Batman score stop him from going for something new.  Heck, even though it's not in the same level of Elfman's score I've got something of a soft spot for Elliot Goldenthal's scores for Schumacher's Batman, and he only had a 3-year gap between Returns and Forever.
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

Tue, 7 Dec 2010, 21:13 #154 Last Edit: Tue, 7 Dec 2010, 21:34 by gordonblu
I wouldn't want William's theme "simply" re-used, but re-orchestrated, and played with to fit the context of the film, as well as modified to the style of the composer assigned to do the score. however, I am glad "no melodic themes" Zimmer is not involved.

Why is there always someone who bring eggs and tomatoes to a speech?

Well, I don?t see why Superman is such a sacred jewel. If it?s good enough for Batman?s theme to be kicked to the curb, it?s good enough for Superman as well. People need to be rid of the possessions of the mind. Let it go. I don?t care if this theme is more iconic than Elfman?s. Stop the excuses and do it. New series, new sound. Simple as that.

I'm fine with a new theme. The challenge is coming up with a GOOD theme.

Not really a fan of Zimmer, but how about James Newton Howard, who he worked with in the Nolan films.

Or here's a radical thought: Danny Elfman.

Quote from: gordonblu on Tue,  7 Dec  2010, 21:13
I wouldn't want William's theme "simply" re-used, but re-orchestrated, and played

My sentiments exactly.

I like the John Williams theme. Actually I like the John Williams theme quite a bit. But it really needs to stay as the theme for the Donner/Reeve films, so we can move on to something new and different. Which has been way overdue.

"Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humour was provided to console him for what he is."

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Wed,  8 Dec  2010, 02:59
Well, I don?t see why Superman is such a sacred jewel. If it?s good enough for Batman?s theme to be kicked to the curb, it?s good enough for Superman as well. People need to be rid of the possessions of the mind. Let it go. I don?t care if this theme is more iconic than Elfman?s. Stop the excuses and do it. New series, new sound. Simple as that.

You stole the words from my mouth (my typing fingers anyway) man. I was waiting for someone to say this, I have bashed on this comic character in this forum in the past thus I restrained myself. This comment indeed felt like an indirect insult to Elfman's Bat.

Quote from: phantom stranger on Wed,  8 Dec  2010, 06:26
Or here's a radical thought: Danny Elfman.


Quote from: phantom stranger on Wed, 10 Feb  2010, 04:13
Quote from: The Dark Knight on Wed, 10 Feb  2010, 01:46
Quote from: johnnygobbs on Wed, 10 Feb  2010, 01:38
However, I do sometimes regret that his Batman completely eschew any comic-book sensiblity whatsoever.
Indeed. Nolan?s films iron out the fantastical in some fashion, or merely focus on one aspect of the material that suits his version.

I don't think it's fair to characterize him as a guy that "eschews" fantasy. He really hasn't made that many films. Of the ones that were based on fantasy (The Prestige and his Batman films) he stuck to the material. There was plenty of fantasy in the Batman films, ranging from Batman constantly flying (he never does that in the comics) to the Batmobile cruising rooftops.
from what I see not Batman does glide now in the comics
you ever dance with the devil on a pale moon light