Nolan to mentor Superman reboot

Started by The Dark Knight, Tue, 9 Feb 2010, 16:24

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Reeve was in his 20's when he played Superman but he had a mature look to him. It gave him the gravitas to play the role. Guys like Welling and Routh apparently never age, which is great for them but not good if they want to play an American icon.

Given that this is kind of going to be "Superman Begins" I can't see them going with someone in their late 30's.

I think perception is key when it comes to the actor who will eventually be chosen for the role of Superman in the Nolan/Snyder Superman reboot. If that actor, no matter if he's in his early 30's, mid 30's, or late 30's, can be accepted by general audiences on the same level that Chris Bale was accepted as Batman in '05, that in itself would be a major hurdle conquered that I personally believe Brandon Routh never quite achieved in 2006 despite a very vocal minority who would argue otherwise.

"Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humour was provided to console him for what he is."

What's wrong with Zimmer, Ral?  He's done some amazing scores in the past, including Rain Man and Gladiator.  Sure, his Batman stuff isn't so imspired, but I think it's an improvement on Brian Singer's approach (i.e. regurgitating John Williams, admittedly brilliant original Superman film score).
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

Quote from: johnnygobbs on Thu,  2 Dec  2010, 12:06
I think it's an improvement on Brian Singer's approach (i.e. regurgitating John Williams, admittedly brilliant original Superman film score).
I agree with that. I have softened my attack on Zimmer.

My quibbles aside about his Batman scores, I do have to give him props. Mainly on the basis of creating a new sound for the character. Something I think is essential with reboots. It would be a very difficult task to take on, and whether I like his music or not, he has succeeded in his own right. He went in the total opposite direction to Elfman, and was brave with it. He created a very distinct sound, the rising horn, bubbling electronics and tension music. And it has been absorbed into the Batman brand, Arkham Asylum for one. Black and white comparisons are going to happen, and therefore battle lines will result.

I wish him all the luck for Superman. Lets see how he does first.

Quote from: johnnygobbs on Thu,  2 Dec  2010, 12:06
What's wrong with Zimmer, Ral?  He's done some amazing scores in the past, including Rain Man and Gladiator.  Sure, his Batman stuff isn't so imspired, but I think it's an improvement on Brian Singer's approach (i.e. regurgitating John Williams, admittedly brilliant original Superman film score).

Agreed. I've enjoyed Zimmer's work from the 90s. The soundtrack from Crimson Tide and the Rock defined the decades perception of action scores.

The 00s, however, tell a different tale. In fact, looking at his IMDB page, I'm amazed to learn he's scored a bunch of films i've seen that I cannot remember the highlights from, music wise because the the music itself was rather lack luster.

His score for BB had some deep moments that I enjoyed, especially how he patiently builds to to the main anthem. Has a scary thing going for it.

TDKs however was like two mattress frames banging together funneled though an sputtering single engine plane.

So, it breaks even on the undecided factor. We'll see what Superman's ots turns out like.

Frankly, I smell disaster on all counts, not just scoring... because of the studio itself, rather than the talent working on it. The WB can't put a good Supes film together anymore and the Wellingman 90210 series has worn out its welcome. Frankly its sad, getting the right elements for the story and adapting the visual luster really isn't that hard... if you dont take a jaded approach.

Gotham Knight sees doom for Superman. To many people signing on, dropping off, rewritting, and mentoring, then abandoning for projects that involve characters that are the antithisis of Superman.

And too many verbs here that really only barely envoke any kind of enthusiasm from Syder or the dreaded killjoy that is Warner Brothers. The studios inability to get anybody besides Batman and siiiiiigh, Ryan Reynolds (playing himself again), to the screen is beyond frustrating. They've moved on from Shumacher spinning out garbage like its flying off of a marry go round to people grinding out garbage (like this already unispired Green Lantern feature) really, really, slowly. Way to go, WB. BATMAN: He's all you got.

QuoteEverything Gotham Knight said


Quote from: The Dark Knight on Thu,  2 Dec  2010, 05:13
Zimmer IS scoring Superman:

What, did I read correctly, the calendar says early December, not April the 1st

(And I say this as a Hans Zimmer fan)