Nolan to mentor Superman reboot

Started by The Dark Knight, Tue, 9 Feb 2010, 16:24

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Don't forget who's the source for this story. It's the same people who said that Angus T. Jones was up for Spider-Man.

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Wed,  6 Oct  2010, 08:44
Uh oh.

Here are some troubling key points...

I read that NY Mag article too but didn't link it because it isn't as credible as Deadline Hollywood which is almost always right. It's hard to believe that WB would offer Superman to Ben Freakin' Affleck before Zach Snyder or Robert Zemeckis or EVERY OTHER LIVING DIRECTOR IN HOLLYWOOD!!!

Remember all of the directors they went through before they made the right choice with Donner?

WB didn't choose Donner, the Salkinds did. Besides he was second choice to Guy Hamilton who pulled out due to tax reasons working in the UK.

Thu, 7 Oct 2010, 14:15 #134 Last Edit: Thu, 7 Oct 2010, 14:21 by Darrell Kaiser
Yes, I know it was the Salkinds, because Warner Bros. back then had extremely little faith in producing a Superman film themselves. Hamiltion was first signed, but there was a laundry list of other directors considered: Francis Ford Coppola, William Friedkin, Peter Yates, John Guillermin, Ronald Neame, George Lucas, Steven Spielberg, Mark Robson and Sam Peckinpah.

Arnie Hammer, who plays the 'Winklevi' in The Social Network (which is a great film by the way) recently stated in an interview that Zach Snyder was looking at 'older' actors (i.e. around 35 to 40) to play Superman, at which point the interviewer suggested that would be great news for Jon Hamm (whose about 39).

I hope he's right.  Initially I was hoping that Hamm might play Batman one day but bearing in mind that it will probably be a good few years after Nolan's third Batman film before Warners reboots that franchise that seems unlikely.  Of reflection however, I think Hamm might actually be a better choice for Superman, especially the Alex Ross illustrated version.

In any case, after Smallville and the somewhat half-hearted Superman Returns I'd love to see an 'older' Superman, who can project the type of gravitas and exude the authority I've always associated with the character.  It would also make a nice change from all that revisionist teen-drama we seem to get a lot of these days.

Jon Hamm or not, what does everyone else think of a potentially 'older' Superman?
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

I'm all for an older Superman. I'm looking at Alex Ross' Peace on Earth at the see that Superman on screen?  ;D

An older, established Superman is fine by me. There could be something like Superman: For All Seasons going on. That novel spans 4 POV's and years of Superman's career. While Snyder said it wouldn't be an adaptation of one particular comic or novel, I do believe the film will touch upon a vairety of stories (ala BB and TDK) and weave them together. So, "early days" may mean that some of the film is flashback (ala BB) while the majority is in present time.