Nolan to mentor Superman reboot

Started by The Dark Knight, Tue, 9 Feb 2010, 16:24

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Quote from: The Dark Knight on Wed, 10 Feb  2010, 17:07
Quote from: thecolorsblend on Wed, 10 Feb  2010, 16:58Between this and the Spidey reboot, my nerves are just friggin shot these days...
To ribbons. Honestly, this Spider-Man reboot is worse. Even though I?m biased to the character. At least there, we had a concrete series on the roll.
Oh I don't think there's any doubt about that.  Support the Superman reboot or don't support it but you can't argue that Singerman did much more than break even at the box office (and I doubt it did even that).

On the other hand, Spider-Man was established, popular and had plenty of room to build towards even more kickass movies.  A reboot there is completely unnecessary.  I cannot overemphasize that.

QuoteThis reboot is just after Singer?s abortion, so surely the next film can't be worse. Right?
Yep.  And not everybody supports the idea of rebooting the series.  But except for some dyed in the wool Singer fanatics (of which there are few), even the most ardent reboot opponents can at least see the merit in the idea.

Quote from: ral on Wed, 10 Feb  2010, 17:39The only reason I want the theme and the things that worked in the previous series to stay are because of the inevitable comparisons that happen. Most are agreed that the Williams themes and the fortress were the best bits of SR.
There will only be the comparisons that the filmmakers open themselves up to.  The logical thing is to go completely the other way with the movie and make something that, in large part, can't be compared to Donner's films.

I think one thing a lot of fanboys had against Singerman is that Singer didn't really show us anything new.  Even the flying techniques were more or less what Donner used while incorporating modern effects techniques.

By contrast, the season 4 premiere of Smallville had a flying sequence that pretty much blows the doors off any live action Superman flying sequence before or since.  It looked different than anything we'd seen before, and on a TV budget no less!

And while the Singerman FOS was, in some ways, superior to the original FOS, it was basically a platform surrounded by pillars.  Kinda boring to look at.

QuoteThe amount of people (non comic book fans)  who said Routh looks just like Reeve (and not Superman) was staggering - that needs to be corrected!
If I were making the new Superman movie... well, let's just say he wouldn't be coming back.

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Wed, 10 Feb  2010, 17:52
Agree with all of that. I believe Superman films should embrace the fantastical. Giant robots, spaceships, deep space battles, the lot. Present scenarios that only Superman can deal with. Lifting things just doesn't cut it.
Yep.  Superman fits in even less in a realistic world than Batman does (which is really saying a lot).

Quote from: ral on Wed, 10 Feb  2010, 15:52
Quote from: Gotham Knight on Wed, 10 Feb  2010, 15:37
Can't wait for Kal El's round table discussion with Lane, Perry, and White about what it means to be a hero.

Perry is White  ;)

Trouble with a rant is that you don't reread what you say. Shoulda put Jimmy in there.  ;D

Quote from: thecolorsblend on Wed, 10 Feb  2010, 18:07
I think one thing a lot of fanboys had against Singerman is that Singer didn't really show us anything new.  Even the flying techniques were more or less what Donner used while incorporating modern effects techniques.
No, he didn?t.

That is one of the main reasons why I didn?t like the film. For some reason, they continued on a vague STM/SM2 continuity ? a continuity most modern audiences had little idea about.

Seriously, I think Singer over-estimated the knowledge and resonance of those films. The diehards will know the fine details, but the general public won?t.

Singer and Co. had the chance right then and there to make a clean break, but they couldn?t do it. They should?ve established a new continuity.

Singer basically gave us a reconstructing of what has come before. The only difference he made was to throw a superkid into the mix (!) and throw in more special FX. Singer rested on past laurels. Safe laurels. But I think that ship has since sailed. I want variety, not monotony of one model.

I?m sure the franchise has more to offer than this. Hell, look at Smallville. That?s already Superman for this generation anyway. And Welling is Superman for this generation. Complete the transition and cast him in the lead role for the reboot. He?s earnt it.

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Wed, 10 Feb  2010, 05:56
Nolan aims for realism and I think he does avoid fantasy where possible. If he can make the comic material more realistic, he will do so.

See, I dont see how "realism" is a factor in his movies at all. It's not the actual content, it's how it's approached and dealt with.

For instance, let's bring up Batman Begins, which really spearheaded this fanboy movement that Nolan is soooo more realistic with Batman than Burton ever was;  ::)    

Batman is still a guy who dresses like a bat and fights criminals. Scarecrow still created a "fear gas".

Hell, the league of shadows (who are an ancient group of ninjas, secretly keeping the world in check for thousands of years) used a device that vaporized all water, yet didnt affect humans, to try and poison a major city with "fear gas."

Realism in that respect, clearly isn't even an issue. But the way the material is explained, and took seriously is what gives it the illusion of realism.  

As far as Nolan 'mentoring' the rebooted Superman franchise goes, eh ... could be a positive, and it could just as easily be a negative too. Nolan is incredibly talented, but my stance is just because a talented filmmaker has much success with one comic book franchise, that does not necessarily mean it's a foregone conclusion that he/she will enjoy another round of outstanding financial and critical success with another. Bryan Singer is the obvious example these days to this theory, and I would wager that if the now long-dead-and-buried Superman Lives would have ever got off the ground, Burton would fit into this criteria as well. Donner's sensibilities were perfect for Superman during the late 1970's, just as Burton's was with Batman in the late 1980's/1990's. It's also fair to say Bryan hit the right flavor for general audiences with his X-Men films as well.

But Nolan & Superman?

Lot's of question marks there.

QuoteI feel a reboot has to totally re launch the brand for a new generation.


Which means, no connection to the Donner/Reeve films, no Williams score, and absolutely no WB Smallville casting either. The re-launch sincerely needs to be it's own beast to ever truly and finally get off the ground and flying so to speak.

"Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humour was provided to console him for what he is."

Quote from: The Joker on Thu, 11 Feb  2010, 03:02
Which means, no connection to the Donner/Reeve films, no Williams score, and absolutely no WB Smallville casting either. The re-launch sincerely needs to be it's own beast to ever truly and finally get off the ground and flying so to speak.
I don't know. I think they can have Welling in the title role, even in a reboot with new theme, suit and so on. I think he should be given the chance. Hell, I thought that back when Routh was cast. I think he can still do it. I'd like to know what colors thinks of that.

Thu, 11 Feb 2010, 05:06 #35 Last Edit: Thu, 11 Feb 2010, 05:10 by thecolorsblend
Quote from: The Dark Knight on Thu, 11 Feb  2010, 04:20I don't know. I think they can have Welling in the title role, even in a reboot with new theme, suit and so on. I think he should be given the chance. Hell, I thought that back when Routh was cast. I think he can still do it. I'd like to know what colors thinks of that.
Ya know how bitter and acrimonious things can be between the Burtonites and the Nolanites?  That pales in comparison to the invective between Singerman fans (Apologists) and Singerman haters (Realists).

There's a loud and vocal contingent of Singerman fans who think the reboot should star Blandon Routh no matter what.  Not because casting him makes the first drip-drop of sense but because they're BJ Routh fanboys/fangirls.

This same bunch also oppose Welling being cast in the reboot (ie, completely independently of SV, with no ties to that continuity) because of his "Smallville baggage".

The philosophy makes absolutely no sense.  If Routh should be considered for the reboot, Welling deserves an equal shot given that he's played the role longer than any previous actor.

My take on the matter?  Neither should be considered for the reboot.

IESB has been reporting that Jeff Robinov doesn't want to do this movie.  It's generally known that WB is facing a court decision that will allow the Siegel parasites... uh, I mean, estate to file suit against WB if a new Superman production isn't in gear by 2012.  Therefore, I think we can safely say that WB is doing this against their better judgment, irrespective of whether Jeff Robinov indeed hates the idea or not.

Either way, a lot is riding on this film.  Superman as an entire franchise extending beyond films and TV shows may very fu.cking well depend not only on this movie getting made but it also being a success.  A big success.

A lot depends on this.  This is no time to screw around and take risks.

My basic preference?  A SV-based Superman movie.  I love Smallville and I've enjoyed watching Clark mature into becoming Superman.  It's been a great ride.

But facts is facts.  Too much is at stake here for anything less than a rock solid film.  I loathe BJ the Bartender Routh as an actor.  He's dull, boring, wooden and utterly unconvincing under the best of circumstances.  But when he has to strap on a wine-colored pleather cape... just.  No.  No.

Is Tom Welling God's gift to acting and performance?  No, of course not and I'd never say otherwise.  But he's got one major advantage over Bartenderboy.  He's captivating to watch.  Welling has his weaknesses as a performer.  He's not a legendary actor... but he's a great leading man.

SV is this generation's Superman tale.  Tom Welling is their Superman.  It makes a lot of artistic sense to adapt SV into a Superman film.

But right now?  No.  Too much is riding on this new movie.  If this is a failure, between the various lawsuits and WB having been burned twice in a row, we may never see another Superman movie.  Ever again.

Therefore, the reboot needs to be the absolute best it can be.  And the most effective way to execute that is to strike out in completely new territory, including casting.

Yes, again, I'd love to see Welling take up the cape in a Smallville-based Superman film but there's bigger stuff at stake here.  We need to protect the character and, sadly, sacrifices must be made.  It's not right, it's not fair, but whoever is cast as Superman in the reboot should be someone who has no previous association with the role.

Sorry to blather on like this but Superman is extremely near and dear to my heart.  It's hard to be rational and objective, but I'm trying.

EDIT- WB allowed "competing" franchises to exist in 2006.  I don't think they'll make that mistake again.  Forget about "audience confusion".  Broadcasting SV before and after Singerman hit theaters polarized and fragmented the core fanbase.  People can say whatever they like about the hardcore fans being only a fraction of the total audience but no movie studio wants to piss us off.  But for the past several years, you've had the Smallville segment of Superman fans and you've had the Singerman segment.  And they've been at each other's throats.  It has damaged SV as a TV show and I have no doubt it damaged Singerman's word of mouth.

WB will not make that mistake again.  I predict that the movie division may pull rank and cancel SV to protect the reboot.

Righto. You?re in a better position than me to make such calls. A new lead actor in the title role it is, then. I thought they could get away with casting Welling, but apparently not.

Quote from: thecolorsblend on Thu, 11 Feb  2010, 05:06
Sorry to blather on like this but Superman is extremely near and dear to my heart.  It's hard to be rational and objective, but I'm trying.
Nothing to be sorry about. You're clearly very passionate about the character and want the best for him. And in such vital moments such as this, it?s absolutely understandable.

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Thu, 11 Feb  2010, 04:20
I don't know. I think they can have Welling in the title role, even in a reboot with new theme, suit and so on. I think he should be given the chance. Hell, I thought that back when Routh was cast. I think he can still do it.

You know, if WB decided on actually making Smallville: The Movie, I wouldn't be opposed to it at all (despite not being a fan of that particular series, Superman is probably my favourite Superhero following the Caped Crusader).

If WB decided to start work on making one shot films of Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns, Mark Millar's Superman Red Son, Mark Waid and Alex Ross' Kingdom Come, or any other noteworthy works that are clearly their own entity and seperate from anything else (much like the DC/Marvel animated DTV animated movies), I definately would not have any problem with that whatsoever.

But as far as Welling and Routh go, I sincerely do not see the need to go back to familiar territory for an out and out reboot that most Superman fans are quick to point out is just the shot in the arm that the Superman franchise most assuredly needs in order to be successful.

Welling, along with Smallville, should remain in it's own little universe. Much like Routh, and Superman Returns (which can be viewed as a lackluster bookend to the Donnerverse). As there are a number of fans who want this Superman to have absolutely zero ties with either.

"Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humour was provided to console him for what he is."

Thu, 11 Feb 2010, 07:46 #38 Last Edit: Thu, 11 Feb 2010, 07:49 by The Dark Knight
I came across these:

Now I'd dig something like that. They're modern and totally different.

I am a big Smallville fan - haven't missed a series. I also know it has a large many female as male viewers (whihc in itself is a great achievement).

However, whether it is down to the script or whatever but Welling (as much as I like him) doesn't seem to have the acting chops to pull off a movie or put in a convincing performace as Superman.