Nolan to mentor Superman reboot

Started by The Dark Knight, Tue, 9 Feb 2010, 16:24

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Wed, 10 Feb 2010, 06:04 #10 Last Edit: Wed, 10 Feb 2010, 06:11 by The Dark Knight
Quote from: thecolorsblend on Wed, 10 Feb  2010, 04:33
Where is Jett confirming this, TDK?  I can't seem to find it on the overload-with-banners-and-fu.cking-annoying-videos BOF page.
Tell me about it.

I was looking over this page:

Jett says wow, and then says it's great news for Superman fans.

Then this straight after:

QuoteI reached out to several industry friends and they confirmed that it is indeed true. Here's a blurb from our friend, "'Ol Slappy "...

"I was actually just in Los Angeles and was checking up on this a bit with my WB friends and it's TRUE! Very exciting stuff."

They did caution me not to expect an official announcement until this Summer

Because this immediantely follows him talking about Nolan and Superman, I assumed he had reached out to his insiders about it and they confirmed it.

However, I did not read this bit that starts that sentence:

QuoteIn regards to Goyer and J-Nol written BATMAN 3

That changes things.

Anyway, sorry. I won't let you down again.

I think this Nolan deal could still be true, though.

Wed, 10 Feb 2010, 06:53 #11 Last Edit: Wed, 10 Feb 2010, 06:56 by thecolorsblend
"Great news for Superman fans"?  Look, I've had many a go-around with that friggin puke in my day.  What that self-confessed "Batman guy" thinks is good for Superman fans and what I (y'know, being a Superman fan and all) think is good for Superman fans are quite possibly two very different things.

So no.  I'm not mollified.  At all.

It'd be like some JJ Abrams era jackoff Trek fan telling Star Wars fans that a live action TV show is just what the SW franchise needs.  "Yeah?  How'd that work out for Enterprise, asshole?"  Ya know?  I mean, get outta my friggin face...

I swear, anymore it's like people just shoot their mouths off without even once thinking about it, cripes.  "Great news for Superman fans", geeze...

Quote from: thecolorsblend on Wed, 10 Feb  2010, 04:33
Nolan is supposedly a big fan of STM.  Is that a good thing?  Hell if I know. was/is Singer!

I wouldn't be at all suprised if David Goyer was in the frame for directing under Nolan's supervision:

He is a comic book nut
He is the only person I could see wanting to
He is now focusing on his feature career (that could mean anything)
He has directed a couple of movies and episodes of FlashFoward

Quote from: ral on Wed, 10 Feb  2010, 10:20
Quote from: thecolorsblend on Wed, 10 Feb  2010, 04:33
Nolan is supposedly a big fan of STM.  Is that a good thing?  Hell if I know. was/is Singer!

They can like STM, but I hope that's as far as things go. I hope the next Superman film is a total change in direction. I?m not interested in another STM remake or anything like that. I don't want anything resembling that old model.

I want something contemporary, fresh and exciting. I'd be right behind that.

As much as I love the Reeve films ( of them) I want WB to draw a line under our fandom and devotion...

...start fresh.

I agree. New everything. Yes, even replace the iconic theme that perfectly captures the character in every way possible.

This image really does capture my imagination and excitement of how good a Superman film can be.

Cast someone young like that to play Superman, and get him out there using all of his powers fighting lots of supervillains. That stuff would seriously rival Batman and Spider-Man films.

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Wed, 10 Feb  2010, 11:14
Yes, even replace the iconic theme that perfectly captures the character in every way possible.

I have mixed feelings on this - to me the theme is more iconic than the symbol on his chest.  I would have liked it if there was more of Williams' themes in SR than Ottiman's - and i would wish for any new movie to be the same.


Maybe WB can make a stamp with 'Nolan Approved' on it. Everywhere I turn it'll be Nolan, Nolan, Nolan.

I don't want to sound like a piece of crap but...I didn't like The Dark Knight. A a cb fan in the minority, I don't want Nolan near superman...

Can't wait for Kal El's round table discussion with Lane, Perry, and White about what it means to be a hero.

And I'll be riveted I'm sure watching Lex Luthor break down his entire motivation point.

"He truly is a Super...Man."

Quote from: Gotham Knight on Wed, 10 Feb  2010, 15:37
Can't wait for Kal El's round table discussion with Lane, Perry, and White about what it means to be a hero.

Perry is White  ;)