89 Cowl VS Returns Cowl

Started by Darth Vader, Fri, 7 Mar 2008, 10:57

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Which Cowl is best?

I'm voting for 89. It is nice from all angles, unlike the Returns cowl which I thought looked peculiar from certain angles (Batman meeting up with Penguin, and the shot when he retorts "Things change...")

89's suit was rough, organic, and transformed Bruce Wayne into the creature he was internally. If I were a criminal, I'd never mistake the Returns suit for a "Giant Bat!!" ... that's not to say I dislike it.

Vote for your favorite cowl.
The B89 photos you refer to will soon be back in our hands.

That's a toughie.

Both are great in their own way.  Returns is the best sculpted cowl but as you say 89 has that animal feel to it.

This is tough. Bth of them, imo, are the 2 best movie cowls. Ever.

89 all the way. Returns looked nice..and maybe it was just that...too sculpted

'89 is my fave. I love the thick neck and primitive, scary look of it.

I like both the 89 and Returns cowls equally.

Tough one. I'll go with Returns.

Far too much space in the '89 cowl. I'd go with BR.