The Amazing Spider-man

Started by phantom stranger, Tue, 12 Jan 2010, 00:20

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Fri, 18 May 2012, 16:38 #150 Last Edit: Sat, 19 May 2012, 12:09 by johnnygobbs
We know the truth about the 'old' Batman movies.  Who gives a damn what the hype machine says?  It won't diminish my appreciation of what came before the Nolan movies.  The same will apply to the Spider-Man films with respect to the reboot.  Anyone with half a brain (i.e. us) will not be swayed to think any differently about the 'old' films, and surely that's all that counts.
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

Sat, 19 May 2012, 00:59 #151 Last Edit: Sat, 19 May 2012, 01:02 by The Dark Knight
Quote from: Gotham Knight on Fri, 18 May  2012, 15:29
If it was so bad before, why did you expect me to pay for it? Why didn't you just tell me then that it was the devil and the reboot would be the answer to my prayers? Do it right the first time then, instead of trying to get my money each go round in this snake oil show. Maybe trailers for 'original' movies should finish with the tag line "Don't bother liking this or trying to develop any kind of loyalty to this product and Just wait for the reboot."
I know exactly what you mean. The whole concept of this movie is brand new, made in 2012 - if you don't like it you're stuck back in 2007. When the reboot was announced, we had Raimi bashers all high and mighty slagging him off for reasons that are now apparent in Webb's movie. But it's alright to do that now, they say. *eye roll*

IMO the reboot was change for change's sake. Throwing out a perfecting good, functioning government just to give some other guy a shot. But if people think Spider-Man 2 sucked, what do they know and what authority are they?

If folks thought Spider-Man 3 was the worst things we got, well, really, what an exaggeration that will turn out to be. This footage for TASM just feels so uninspiring and soulless to me. Spidey 3 had heart. I understand the spirit of the Spider-Man character and in no way was Raimi trashing the character. Some people either don't get that or don't want to. Just simplistic responses like, oh that's cheesy.

This film was meant to be the so-called cinematic savior of the Spider-Man franchise. It should be blowing us away and 'showing us how its done'. So comments of 'you're being too hard on it' or 'don't be so negative' are null and void, really. Sony threw away something and apparently were going to replace it with something bigger and better. Sad thing is, if this movie is in fact what I believe it will be (and word is out Sony aren't happy with it either), they won't reboot in this instance but they did it when they shouldn't have.

the simple fact is that this is the 4th time in modern history a comic series has been rebooted and the outcome is predictable

1990 captain america vs 2011; most people already knew the first one sucked so the 2nd one won by default

of course the batman series

in this case the spider-man series, spider-man 2 was highly acclaimed but kind of suffers from Batman Forever syndrome; well liked at the time but peoples opinions decreased due to an underwhelming sequel.

next year will be the superman reboot which will be interesting. Opinions on singers film vary but not many felt that was great. The donner films though may be given a run for their money.

Quote from: riddler on Wed, 20 Jun  2012, 04:37
in this case the spider-man series, spider-man 2 was highly acclaimed but kind of suffers from Batman Forever syndrome; well liked at the time but peoples opinions decreased due to an underwhelming sequel.

For my money, I find Spider-Man 2 to be the best out of the Raimi films. I even recall going to the midnight showing for it, and numerous people in the audience clapping in approval once the end credits hit. About the only time I remember anything like that happening for any midnight showing I've been to. Only thing that comes close is the midnight showing for SW: Episode III. But rather than clapping, it was just a bunch of people dressed as Jedi's fighting one another with plastic light sabers. Yay!  :-\

People online have a fairly consistent knack for being negative about a previous franchise of films once the reboot starts rolling around. It undoubtedly happened with the Burton Batman films once Nolan started on Begins (ESPECIALLY after the film premiered), and the same with Raimi's Spider-Man. Truth be told, I've already noticed more and more people becoming vocal about what they didn't like with the Nolan films, and suspect by the time the eventual reboot takes place, especially if it looks like a pleasing movie, we'll be reading more and more criticisms about the Nolan films.

"Yo. Burton's Batman was crap! Nolan's batman sukd! The reboot looks EPIC!!!1! FTW!"

Just wait.  ::)  ::)  ::)

"Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humour was provided to console him for what he is."

Fri, 22 Jun 2012, 20:03 #154 Last Edit: Fri, 22 Jun 2012, 20:04 by SilentEnigma
Actually I love it if a lot of people start bashing the Raimi films. Spider-Man (2002) is unquestionably one of the first great films of the so-called "modern" era kickstarted with X-Men (2000), and Spider-Man 2 (2004) is one of the best comic sequels ever made. This is comic book movie LAW. Fact, not opinion. Since people also did the same to Burton's Bat-films, which in comparison are of a more "ambiguous" quality (their reception as films, Batmania cast aside, was not even close to how unanimously celebrated the Spider-films were in their time), it kind of "devalues" the whole "reject the old fims in favor of the new" thing. It clearly demonstrates that both fandoms are just dumb if they reject the "old ones". I like Spider-Man but I'm not a hardcore fan and I don't watch the news closely so I might be off the mark a bit, but you know what I try to say.

(now, I wish I was writing in my native language, maybe I'm not quite clear in what I'm saying, it maybe ended up a bit messed in the "translate-thoughts-to-words" process...)

Quote from: The Joker on Wed, 20 Jun  2012, 22:38
Quote from: riddler on Wed, 20 Jun  2012, 04:37
in this case the spider-man series, spider-man 2 was highly acclaimed but kind of suffers from Batman Forever syndrome; well liked at the time but peoples opinions decreased due to an underwhelming sequel.

For my money, I find Spider-Man 2 to be the best out of the Raimi films. I even recall going to the midnight showing for it, and numerous people in the audience clapping in approval once the end credits hit. About the only time I remember anything like that happening for any midnight showing I've been to. Only thing that comes close is the midnight showing for SW: Episode III. But rather than clapping, it was just a bunch of people dressed as Jedi's fighting one another with plastic light sabers. Yay!  :-\

People online have a fairly consistent knack for being negative about a previous franchise of films once the reboot starts rolling around. It undoubtedly happened with the Burton Batman films once Nolan started on Begins (ESPECIALLY after the film premiered), and the same with Raimi's Spider-Man. Truth be told, I've already noticed more and more people becoming vocal about what they didn't like with the Nolan films, and suspect by the time the eventual reboot takes place, especially if it looks like a pleasing movie, we'll be reading more and more criticisms about the Nolan films.

"Yo. Burton's Batman was crap! Nolan's batman sukd! The reboot looks EPIC!!!1! FTW!"

Just wait.  ::)  ::)  ::)

I forgot to add in my previous post there's heated debates between the 2003 Hulk film and 2008 incredible hulk.
Has it been confirmed whether the next batman film will be a reboot or a sequel to TDKR? I do see on the IMDB it listed for a 2015 release.

I wonder how many of the Nolanites were the little kids who saw batman returns and got scared and had their moms pressure for the Schumacher crap

I knew the reboot wouldn't top Elfman's main Spider-Man theme. Yet people banged on about how it apparently wasn't that great.

If people continue to slam the Elfman theme yet praise this new offering instead I will find that gob smackingly odd.

From this:

To this meh lightweight tune:

Not even in the same ballpark.

Quote from: riddler on Mon, 25 Jun  2012, 03:53
I forgot to add in my previous post there's heated debates between the 2003 Hulk film and 2008 incredible hulk.
Has it been confirmed whether the next batman film will be a reboot or a sequel to TDKR? I do see on the IMDB it listed for a 2015 release.

I assume a reboot, though there hasn't been any real confirmation either way. Other than Nolan continually stating that he's pretty much done with his Batman series. Personally, I would want it to be a reboot. As I really don't have any real interest in whatever chosen director making a sequel that's in keeping with the Nolanverse. I would rather his/hers own interpretation rather than having to adhere to what has already came before.

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Mon, 25 Jun  2012, 07:09
I knew the reboot wouldn't top Elfman's main Spider-Man theme. Yet people banged on about how it apparently wasn't that great.

If people continue to slam the Elfman theme yet praise this new offering instead I will find that gob smackingly odd.

I'm convinced that's just more on par for the course bashing for what is simply in the 'now'.  ::)

"Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humour was provided to console him for what he is."

Quote from: The Joker on Mon, 25 Jun  2012, 14:51
Quote from: riddler on Mon, 25 Jun  2012, 03:53
I forgot to add in my previous post there's heated debates between the 2003 Hulk film and 2008 incredible hulk.
Has it been confirmed whether the next batman film will be a reboot or a sequel to TDKR? I do see on the IMDB it listed for a 2015 release.

I assume a reboot, though there hasn't been any real confirmation either way. Other than Nolan continually stating that he's pretty much done with his Batman series. Personally, I would want it to be a reboot. As I really don't have any real interest in whatever chosen director making a sequel that's in keeping with the Nolanverse. I would rather his/hers own interpretation rather than having to adhere to what has already came before.

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Mon, 25 Jun  2012, 07:09
I knew the reboot wouldn't top Elfman's main Spider-Man theme. Yet people banged on about how it apparently wasn't that great.

If people continue to slam the Elfman theme yet praise this new offering instead I will find that gob smackingly odd.

I'm convinced that's just more on par for the course bashing for what is simply in the 'now'.  ::)

do the nolanites bash  the Elfan music? Generally any rational person knows the Burton music was better.
I don't think comic films should be rebooted every time the star or director changes. There are so many great years of comics for these heroes, why does it always have to be their earlier years. Especially with batman, he has about a dozen great villains which havent been touched yet and no Robin in the Nolan series. I wanted to see spider-man 4 as well instead of the reboot. Why not do what the batman series did in the mid 90's, pass the torch but have it follow the same continuity (although hopefully with better results than the Schumacher films).