The Amazing Spider-man

Started by phantom stranger, Tue, 12 Jan 2010, 00:20

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Fri, 22 Jul 2011, 06:30 #141 Last Edit: Fri, 22 Jul 2011, 06:37 by THE BAT-MAN
Quote from: The Dark Knight on Fri, 22 Jul  2011, 04:35
You never learned to mind your surroundings:

Actually, I did.  I thought it would be better to continue this discussion under the film's actual title.

How about Ral changes the title of the other thread, where all of the discussion has been taking place?

Eh? Eh?

I've seen the 4 minute footage reveal for TASM.

People complained how Raimi connected all the villains to Peter. We get that in TASM.
People complained guys there was too much CGI. We get that here and it looks worse. Fake looking.
People complained that Spidey unmasked too much. He's got his mask off at least twice already in TASM.
People complained that the movies were all about a girl. We're getting that with Gwen in TASM.

Webb, a guy who has made one movie before this, does all of those things yet gets a free pass, and is apparently going to blow the previous movies out of the water. I think Garfield was the right choice for the reboot, but he seems too serious and stiff to me. Apparently word is out Sony aren't happy with the movie as well. It's sad to me that Tobey and Raimi's fourth film wasn't perservered with and never got made. Tobey and Raimi were a great pair and nailed the vibe of the character and the atmosphere of the world. Stuff that gets blasted for some reason, eg. Peter's strut down the street with "People Get Up and Drive Your Funky Soul' grooving in the background for example, is as pure to Spider-Man given the circumstances as you can get.

From what I've read online, Webb's The Amazing Spider-Man will also have something in common with Ang Lee's Hulk. Where the origin isn't so much by pure chance, but rather by design. Going off the trailer, there is definately a line that alludes to that notion, but if there's so much already getting a pass, I'm sure this won't be any different.

"Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humour was provided to console him for what he is."

I'm concerned with the widespread rewriting of history to blow this movie up and disgrace the previous franchise. Call me a conspiracy nut, but I think it's no accident that both the Nostalgia Critic and SnL went out of their ways to single out Rami's films for degradation as though hatred for his efforts has been widespread since Spidey 1 and 2 came out. It's like they've tried to retroactively turn Rami's movies into BATMAN & ROBIN.

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Wed, 16 May  2012, 15:35
I've seen the 4 minute footage reveal for TASM.

People complained how Raimi connected all the villains to Peter. We get that in TASM.
People complained guys there was too much CGI. We get that here and it looks worse. Fake looking.
People complained that Spidey unmasked too much. He's got his mask off at least twice already in TASM.
People complained that the movies were all about a girl. We're getting that with Gwen in TASM.

Webb, a guy who has made one movie before this, does all of those things yet gets a free pass, and is apparently going to blow the previous movies out of the water. I think Garfield was the right choice for the reboot, but he seems too serious and stiff to me. Apparently word is out Sony aren't happy with the movie as well. It's sad to me that Tobey and Raimi's fourth film wasn't perservered with and never got made. Tobey and Raimi were a great pair and nailed the vibe of the character and the atmosphere of the world. Stuff that gets blasted for some reason, eg. Peter's strut down the street with "People Get Up and Drive Your Funky Soul' grooving in the background for example, is as pure to Spider-Man given the circumstances as you can get.

I agree with this whole heartedly.

Quote from: Gotham Knight on Wed, 16 May  2012, 23:11
I'm concerned with the widespread rewriting of history to blow this movie up and disgrace the previous franchise. Call me a conspiracy nut, but I think it's no accident that both the Nostalgia Critic and SnL went out of their ways to single out Rami's films for degradation as though hatred for his efforts has been widespread since Spidey 1 and 2 came out. It's like they've tried to retroactively turn Rami's movies into BATMAN & ROBIN.

This is called hyping your new product. In defense of the Nostalgia Critic, he did admit that he really liked the Raimi movies (Even 3), he was just acknowledging some of the goofier aspects.
Why is there always someone who bring eggs and tomatoes to a speech?

We can't change history and force Sony to go back and give Raimi a chance to do Spiderman 4.  We've got what we've got so let's try and stay positive.  The new movie could suck but surely it's in all our interest that it's good so I've still got my fingers crossed.
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

Purely from a Spider-Man fan's point of view I hope the movie is worthwhile. But if we have to 'try' and stay positive something isn't entirely right, IMO. We can only comment on what we see. We did not create or upload the footage. That is in Sony's court. They alone are responsible for the new direction and the quality of such a direction. To me it'll probably be like going from Michael Keaton to Val Kilmer - similar in a way but vastly different with a hollow, inferior feeling.

Fri, 18 May 2012, 15:29 #149 Last Edit: Fri, 18 May 2012, 15:49 by Gotham Knight
Hyping your product does not necessitate running down everything that came before simply because it suits you. Yes what is done is done. I remain concerned and rightfully so, that in this era of film making where movies that people ate up like Christ's image on a waffle is suddenly the subject of a firing squad simply because Hollywood's decline in originality means having having to press the reboot button before the corpse is cold...because what it's really about is NOT making something better for 'spidey fans,' its about selling another batch of movies to the mainstream movie goers, whose attention spans are really short, and who have already sat through 3 of these of these movies just to have them recycled. In short, they have to trash everything that came before just to excite the 'base' like a political rally. Your average moviegoer after 3 movies and ten years won't care enough to reinvest in this unless its laced with "HELL YEAH 10000% better!!!!" It's like those glowing splash labels on the condiment bottle promising a "BRAND NEW RECIPE!!!" If it was so bad before, why did you expect me to pay for it? Why didn't you just tell me then that it was the devil and the reboot would be the answer to my prayers? Do it right the first time then, instead of trying to get my money each go round in this snake oil show. Maybe trailers for 'original' movies should finish with the tag line "Don't bother liking this or trying to develop any kind of loyalty to this product and Just wait for the reboot."

Pardon me for thinking that the 'hype up' for a movie shouldn't require you to commit murder just to get idiots drooling. But, after TDK, what else could one expect.