The Amazing Spider-man

Started by phantom stranger, Tue, 12 Jan 2010, 00:20

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Quote from: johnnygobbs on Wed, 19 Jan  2011, 15:48
J Jonah Jameson won't be in the next Spider-Man film.   :( DISAPPOINTED!
What you can't be serious.
you ever dance with the devil on a pale moon light

I wish they would have convinced (or bothered to ask) J.K. Simmons to reprise the role for this reboot.  

Judi Dench as "M" in the Bond flicks was enough to convince me that actors reprising old roles can work rather well in reboots and I was sort of hoping they would use the same basic idea for this new Spidey outing.  

Hard to believe they won't even be recasting the role.  I'm not a comic book reader but my understanding is that Jameson was always one of Spider-Man's main foils.

So um yeah, his eyes are red? Also I don't like the silver shoe things.

Heres a video of Spider-man running down the street and jumping into a truck.

Quote from: Uncle Bingo on Mon, 24 Jan  2011, 21:29
So um yeah, his eyes are red?

It seems to be reflection from a red light (see his shoulder)

Apparently, that's not the actual suit as such.  It's just for stunt purposes and the filmmakers will use CGI to enhance the look (so presumably there won't be 'red eye' or silver shoes in the film).
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

I've read a detailed plot outline which came out December 2010 (and it seems legit to me, given what we know already about the filming), and I'm impressed. Sounds really solid, and could potentially challenge SM2. I like where they're going with this one. Take a look for yourself.

Wed, 26 Jan 2011, 17:00 #126 Last Edit: Thu, 27 Jan 2011, 01:50 by johnnygobbs
Quote from: The Dark Knight on Wed, 26 Jan  2011, 15:42
I've read a detailed plot outline which came out December 2010 (and it seems legit to me, given what we know already about the filming), and I'm impressed. Sounds really solid, and could potentially challenge SM2. I like where they're going with this one. Take a look for yourself.

A response to above (contains possible SPOILERS)

Interesting Dark Knight, but if I'm entirely honest I'm a bit disappointed by this possible plotline.  For starters, I was never taken with the whole sub-plot about Parker's parents being spies since I always liked the fact that Parker was an ordinary kid with a normal, average family background (his parents being secret-agents rather undermines this notion).  Also, I think Spider-Man's exposure of Norman Osbourne as a criminal somewhat limits the scope for Peter and Harry Osbourne's friendship later in the series seeing that Harry doesn't make an appearance here (although on the plus side, I suppose it gives Harry a basis for his hatred of Spider-Man prior to meeting Parker in college, assuming that's the route the filmmakers go down).

I'm also bothered by the lack of an origin story.  Admittedly, the filmmakers have been forced into a corner bearing in mind how recent Raimi's Spider-Man films are, but surely that just demonstrates the absurdity of doing a reboot so soon after the last Spider-Man franchise ended.

However, the biggest disappointment for me is how little the plot outline goes into the conflict one would espect Parker to experience on discovering that Dr Curt Connors is in fact The Lizard.  I would ideally like to see a scene in which Spider-Man has to protect his friend and mentor from the police/military in addition to trying to bring him to justice.  Such an element would heighten the possile guilt Parker would experience upon Captain Stacey's death, since he might have done more to stop The Lizard (speaking of which, isn't Stacey meant to ask Spider-Man to protect his daughter just before he dies?).  The idea of Spider-Man being both a hero to the community and a possible pariah could be easily exploited by The Lizard storyline which also relates to my next gripe; the absence of J Jonah Jameson, who is surely one of the most essential elements of the Spider-Man mythos, not only as a vital piece of comic-relief but also as a handy piece of plot exposition (i.e. the way in which the media turns against Spider-Man).

Admittedly, it is too early to make a resounding judgement on the reboot, and I have every hope that it will work (and to be fair, there are many plot elements I like in this treatement).  I just hope that the December 2010 doesn't give the full story for Spider-Man Part 1, Mark 2.
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

Wed, 26 Jan 2011, 20:00 #127 Last Edit: Wed, 26 Jan 2011, 21:19 by TheBatMan0887
Its odd seeing a movie in the making. Its almost as if some nut just ran out in a Spider Man suit and someone caught it at the right time by coincidence.

Whats also weird is that even if its being shot at night, they have this huge search light to make it appear as if its being shot in daylight. I'm wondering if it will end up being daylight here.

Its noticeable that his web cartridges ran dry here. I kind of liked the fact that the spider would give him this ability organically. Additional, I'm wondering how they are doing the wall climbing as well. If it turns out its the suit, then its to hell with the spider giving him anything other than the contortion ability. Then again, he could be just athletic in school too!

Wow, did I just make a pitch for a Nolan version of Spider Man. Though seriously, Nolan isn't restricted to gross realism. I think the elite realism in his bat mans come from the fact that bat man isn't really a superhero in that sense, so he took the realistic approach and made everyone else into bat man in their existence.

Still, even though I wont mind the web carts, I think I like the idea that the spider did the whole thing. I mean, it was seriously repetitive in the cartoons when he just ran out of web and then "OH NO!!! Commercial Break!", then he just so happens to simply throw in his reserve. Maybe it wont be like that, but it seriously hinders his ability and seeing the Raimi films having Spidey in full control makes it now a laugh that he needs to run the streets when he runs low. I mean, at least Spider Man 2 paid up to that with the moment he began losing his senses and abilities. We don't need it all the time.

Thinking about it makes me quiver, though. If the suit did do everything, then we'd just have a stupid trend emerging from Nolan's BM films. Yet again, Nolan has the ability to do it here more to character, since its half realistic in the Bat's universe too. With the treatment, it feels to be in the realm of the original universe thankfully.

After this, that treatment is just that, a treatment. A treatment is the "Story By" card and is when the story is in its basic idea stage. Who knows what it had been directed into being. I wouldn't worry about it, though its possible it is the final outcome. Like BatMan 89, its dependent on the additional authority coming from the producers and director's liking.

EDIT: By the looks of that treatment, it appears as though they will take the Nolan route on the bad guys. The Lizard with be the first villain, then the sequel will likely be about Green Goblin's appearance.
A smiley's impression of Jack Nicholson    8)

Now as Jack's Joker laughing   :D

I agree about the origin changes, Johnny. They do come off as change for changes sake, but I do think they had to be done for the reboot. Raimi's fourth isn't going to happen, so this is what we've got to get used to.

Overall though, I like this outline. It feels tight and focused. And I daresay quite a bit more serious, which is good. As for Jameson, I'm genuinely not bothered by his absence. Now, if we had Raimi on board, we'd be getting a full arc with the amazingly good born for the role JK Simmons. But alas, he's off limits for a reboot. Which is a crying shame.

I agree that the character is needed for part two, but they can get away with this film. For example, Q and Moneypenny are absent from the Craig era thus far. It's the way those films are paced and plotted - making them more urgent, that you don't need them yet.

Oh, I also like that the main villain doesn't die. Very refreshing.

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Thu, 27 Jan  2011, 00:47
Oh, I also like that the main villain doesn't die. Very refreshing.

Very true.  I hope that is a portent for how this reboot treats most of its future villains.

(SPOILER) I like the fact that Captain Stacey dies though.  I think there should be at least one tragedy per film.
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.