The Amazing Spider-man

Started by phantom stranger, Tue, 12 Jan 2010, 00:20

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Quote from: johnnygobbs on Fri,  2 Jul  2010, 20:15
Oh brother!   ::)

Unfortunately, we can huff and puff all we like but it's not going to change the fact that Raimi's Spiderman franchise is over.  Can't we at least hope that we get another great Spiderman franchise, or as the expression goes are we all going to 'cut our nose just to spite our face'?

I for one look forward to the seeing which direction the Batman series takes  whenever Nolan is done with his franchise (presumably after the third film).  I know the circumstances are slightly different, since Nolan has agreed to quit at three films whilst Raimi was apparently forced out of his franchise, but the result as far as fans go amounts to the same deal: we all get a wide range of various filmmakers' takes on our favourite comic-book characters.  I'm sorry, but what's not to like?

Sorry to crap on your Kumbayah parade, but I hated The Dark Knight, too.  ::)

Quote from: Gotham Knight on Sat,  3 Jul  2010, 15:19
Sorry to crap on your Kumbayah parade, but I hated The Dark Knight, too.  ::)

Fine, then isn't that more reason for you to be grateful when the present series comes to its end and someone else takes over?
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

As long as Molina is back as Doc Ock, I'll be there on opening night.

Quote from: phantom stranger on Sat,  3 Jul  2010, 19:34
As long as Molina is back as Doc Ock, I'll be there on opening night.
I can tell you now, Molina won't be coming back in the reboot.

Fans have been waiting for the Lizard for awhile now, so that's cool.

"Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humour was provided to console him for what he is."

Oh man, Lizard will be tttiiiiiiigggghhhtttt!

Too bad Lizard won't be played by Dylan Baker. It's Billy Dee all over again.
Why is there always someone who bring eggs and tomatoes to a speech?

Quote from: gordonblu on Mon, 25 Oct  2010, 02:38
Too bad Lizard won't be played by Dylan Baker. It's Billy Dee all over again.
I know. It absolutely sucks. Of all the villains to use, they use The Lizard, after he had been built up by Baker over two films. They had the groundwork there, and they could have used him at any stage. But this pointless reboot stuffs things around. It's insulting and a slap in the face.

They're putting Peter back in college instead of high school like they originally planned. The guy they picked for Peter is in his twenties. He's closer in age to Maguire, and he'll be 29 or 30 (at least) when they shoot the sequel. Everything they're doing could have easily been done with Tobey and Raimi. I don't know what they're getting at here. I HATE this "reboot".

Quote from: gordonblu on Mon, 25 Oct  2010, 02:38
Too bad Lizard won't be played by Dylan Baker. It's Billy Dee all over again.

Apparently it was simply never meant to be. Even if Raimi was still in the drivers seat, I don't recall reading anywhere about the Lizard making an appearance in the once-happening Spider-Man 4. Despite alot of fans wanting to see him finally realized on the silver screen. Instead we were definately going to get John Malkovich as the Vulture. Which sounds pretty good since he very likely would have rocked it (was never too hot on the whole Vultress idea), but still ... no Dylan Baker as Lizard.

"Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humour was provided to console him for what he is."