The Amazing Spider-man

Started by phantom stranger, Tue, 12 Jan 2010, 00:20

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Fri, 22 Jan 2010, 04:51 #60 Last Edit: Fri, 22 Jan 2010, 04:53 by Darrell Kaiser
I think what is more insulting is that they established her as a model in Spider-Man 2, just so Parker has something more to cry about. Then, it was quickly discarded to turn her into a medicore actress. A little too close to home, Rami, by judging Dunst's medicore performance.

Well, I'm a fan of the Raimi Spiderman series.  However, I'm still excited by the possibilities and potential for the reboot.  I think there's a lot of positive things Mark Webb could learn from the previous franchise, as well as a lot of things (including some of those you have pointed out Darrell) that could be changed or improved upon.
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

One of my big fears (aside from a Robert Pattinson lookalike popping up as Morbius) is that Webb might go a bit too far out of his way to distance himself from the Raimiverse.  "Well, we saw Peter lose his $#!+ about Uncle Ben dying in the 1st Spidey movie.  Hmm, so maybe I'll kill that Gwen Stacy chick now and let THAT be Peter's catalyst for embracing his Spider-Man identity.  Plus, it'll make him darker.  People like darkness, right?  So I'll make him dark.  And, y'know, maybe I could humanize Electro.  Maybe he'll be a fired accountant guy from Enron who accidentally tripped and fell into one of their reactors.  And hey, maybe he can be the guy who drops Gwen off the bridge!  An electric dude would absolutely get as close to water as he can, it makes sense, IT'S DRAMATIC!"

Ach, I just have so many fears about this new franchise, dunno where to even start...

Quote from: thecolorsblend on Fri, 22 Jan  2010, 07:33
One of my big fears (aside from a Robert Pattinson lookalike popping up as Morbius)

Better that than casting a Robert Pattinson lookalike as Spiderman... :P
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

Quote from: thecolorsblend on Fri, 22 Jan  2010, 07:33
One of my big fears (aside from a Robert Pattinson lookalike popping up as Morbius) is that Webb might go a bit too far out of his way to distance himself from the Raimiverse.  "Well, we saw Peter lose his $#!+ about Uncle Ben dying in the 1st Spidey movie.  Hmm, so maybe I'll kill that Gwen Stacy chick now and let THAT be Peter's catalyst for embracing his Spider-Man identity.

That would go over about as well as JJ Abrams 1st draft for Superman back in the early 2000's, where only half of Krypton was destroyed. Or perhaps even worse considering the attention this project is receiving.  

QuoteAch, I just have so many fears about this new franchise, dunno where to even start...

Understandable. Sony and Webb have a LONG road ahead of them.

"Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humour was provided to console him for what he is."

Fri, 22 Jan 2010, 13:00 #65 Last Edit: Fri, 22 Jan 2010, 13:07 by Darrell Kaiser
I think there is little to worry about, thecolorsblend. Marvel Studios has been pretty keen about not having their characters stray too far from their inital origins. I've been watching the animated series, The Spectacular Spider-Man, and I must say that they've handled it very well. I hope I see some shades of this in the reboot.

My biggest fear is in myself as an audience member.  I'm truly convinced that the best hands have already been played and consequently, whatever movie they churn out, good or bad, I've seen too much to ever be wide eyed again.

I know what you mean, Gotham Knight, but sometimes, if the right people are involved, we get stellar work that gives us that feeling. All you gotta do is trust.

Quote from: thecolorsblend on Fri, 22 Jan  2010, 07:33
One of my big fears (aside from a Robert Pattinson lookalike popping up as Morbius) is that Webb might go a bit too far out of his way to distance himself from the Raimiverse.  "Well, we saw Peter lose his $#!+ about Uncle Ben dying in the 1st Spidey movie.  Hmm, so maybe I'll kill that Gwen Stacy chick now and let THAT be Peter's catalyst for embracing his Spider-Man identity.  Plus, it'll make him darker.  People like darkness, right?  So I'll make him dark.  And, y'know, maybe I could humanize Electro.  Maybe he'll be a fired accountant guy from Enron who accidentally tripped and fell into one of their reactors.  And hey, maybe he can be the guy who drops Gwen off the bridge!  An electric dude would absolutely get as close to water as he can, it makes sense, IT'S DRAMATIC!"
Fair comment here and I share your concerns.

It?s been a while since the reboot news. I?m still disappointed, and still think this shouldn?t be happening. But I?m slowly finding myself excited about it. Actually, more cautiously optimistic. I have to be. What other choice have I got? This film is getting made.

I just don?t like how this new series was born. I despise how people are slagging off Raimi?s trilogy to justify the new series. I'm a fan of those films and always will be. But most of all is the trash talk about Spider-Man 3, which I feel people grossly exaggerate as a poor film, and label as the reason behind the series? termination.

I just cannot see this new series as the cinematic savior some bill it as. A series that is needed to save the soul of the character in fear of dishing up another Spider-Man 3. If that film was as bad as things got, well, that?s pretty solid going in my book. 

If by some chance Webb produces a film on par or better than Raimi?s offerings, we should all look back fondly at what he achieved. Not trash it. Another Burton/Nolan war could be in the making if things go down that path.

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Mon,  8 Feb  2010, 14:53It?s been a while since the reboot news. I?m still disappointed, and still think this shouldn?t be happening. But I?m slowly finding myself excited about it. Actually, more cautiously optimistic. I have to be. What other choice have I got? This film is getting made.

I just don?t like how this new series was born. I despise how people are slagging off Raimi?s trilogy to justify the new series. I'm a fan of those films and always will be. But most of all is the trash talk about Spider-Man 3, which I feel people grossly exaggerate as a poor film, and label as the reason behind the series? termination.

I just cannot see this new series as the cinematic savior some bill it as. A series that is needed to save the soul of the character in fear of dishing up another Spider-Man 3. If that film was as bad as things got, well, that?s pretty solid going in my book.

If by some chance Webb produces a film on par or better than Raimi?s offerings, we should all look back fondly at what he achieved. Not trash it. Another Burton/Nolan war could be in the making if things go down that path.
I wish I had your optimism.

The one good thing here is that Webb has a model for how to make his completely and totally unnecessary reboot that isn't necessary because the series doesn't need a completely unnecessary reboot because a reboot isn't necessary. He knows that aesthetics, themes, characters and plot points taken from the comics will sell. Period. So there's really no justification for him to make a bunch of BS changes just to "make his mark on the character".

That doesn't mean it won't happen, of course, just that we have a theoretically better chance of it not happening.

As to bashing on the Raimiverse, Sony and Marvel have to sell the film somehow and they for absolute fu.cking sure can't argue that the Raimi films didn't make truckloads of money. Nobody would believe that. So they have to find some way other to justify the reboot. Frankly, I think it'll only get worse. "The Raimi films were good in their day, y'know, as a first attempt. But what we're trying to do now is make a real Spidey movie!"

I just can't put my fears and trepidations aside on this. WE DON'T NEED A FRIGGIN REBOOT!!