Is Batman realistic? Or just a comic book character?

Started by burtongenius, Fri, 11 Dec 2009, 00:04

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Quote from: johnnygobbs on Mon, 28 Dec  2009, 18:45

Are you being purposefully dumb?  Firstly you state that you don't care who made the most realistic Batman.  Good.  But then you contradict yourself by stating that the most realistic Batman is ergo the best Batman.  Make your mind up.

I don't understand you.  I didn't contradict myself.  I care if the movie is realistic.  What I'm saying is that I don't care who made it.  By that I mean that that is not what this topic is about.  Its not about who created the most realistic batman, its whether batman is realistic and if it is realistic then the realistic batman would be the best batman.  Telling which batman media incarnation is the most realistic is a whole other topic and definetely up to opinion.

And in response to ral, I said I didn't care who made the "best batman".  I don't think thats picking sides to me.  But hey, what do I know. ;D

Quote from: burtongenius on Tue, 29 Dec  2009, 01:39I don't understand you.  I didn't contradict myself.
I don?t understand you.

First you say this:

Quote from: burtongenius on Mon, 28 Dec  2009, 17:03
As far as which batman movie is the most realistic, it doesn't matter.

And then you say this:

Quote from: burtongenius on Mon, 28 Dec  2009, 17:03
What matters is that people should get a realistic batman instead of a fun, fantasy film.  If you want that, watch spiderman or power rangers.  Batman is a realistic character and therefore should have media that protrays that.  Its not fair to batman to put him in a not real scenario.

Where I'm from, being planet Earth, that is a contradiction.

Quote from: burtongenius on Mon, 28 Dec  2009, 17:03Its not about who created the most realistic batman, its whether batman is realistic and if it is realistic then the realistic batman would be the best batman

Is that so? I don't understand that logic.

This realism nonsense has driven you insane. Or you have an agenda. I think the latter.

Tue, 29 Dec 2009, 02:01 #83 Last Edit: Tue, 29 Dec 2009, 02:03 by burtongenius
Quote from: The Dark Knight on Tue, 29 Dec  2009, 01:53

First you say this:

Quote from: burtongenius on Mon, 28 Dec  2009, 17:03
As far as which batman movie is the most realistic, it doesn't matter.

And then you say this:

Quote from: burtongenius on Mon, 28 Dec  2009, 17:03
What matters is that people should get a realistic batman instead of a fun, fantasy film.  If you want that, watch spiderman or power rangers.  Batman is a realistic character and therefore should have media that protrays that.  Its not fair to batman to put him in a not real scenario.

Where I'm from, being planet Earth, that is a contradiction.

I understand your confusion (or maybe you just didn't understand me).  What I meant was is that it doesn't matter which batman you consider (nolan or burton)realistic.  Not for this topic anyways.  All that matters is that you think the best batman is the most realistic batman.  Thats what I'm trying to push.   And its not as dramatic as an "agenda."  This is just a topic after all.

Quote from: burtongenius on Tue, 29 Dec  2009, 02:01
I understand your confusion (or maybe you just didn't understand me).
It's not just me. I don't know anyone on this site who does understand you.

Quote from: burtongenius on Tue, 29 Dec  2009, 02:01
All that matters is that you think the best batman is the most realistic batman.  Thats what I'm trying to push.  
I don't care one inch for realism. It doesn't make me like a film more or less. You can push that all you want, but nobody around here is going to buy it. 

Quote from: burtongenius on Tue, 29 Dec  2009, 02:01
And its not as dramatic as an "agenda."
Well, to me, your posts are putting red flags up everywhere.

Quote from: burtongenius on Tue, 29 Dec  2009, 02:01This is just a topic after all.
That's stating the obvious. Your point, exactly?

Thu, 31 Dec 2009, 21:04 #85 Last Edit: Thu, 31 Dec 2009, 21:10 by burtongenius
I guess everybody likes the fantasy batman.  And nobody thinks batman is realistic.  Hopefully burton will make more batmans for you guys.  :)

I personally think batman is realistic and can't wait for nolan's next batman movie.

Quote from: burtongenius on Thu, 31 Dec  2009, 21:04
I guess everybody likes the fantasy batman.  And nobody thinks batman is realistic.  Hopefully burton will make more batmans for you guys.  :)

I personally think batman is realistic and can't wait for nolan's next batman movie.

If that's how you feel, why are you called Burtongenius?   ::)
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

Thu, 31 Dec 2009, 22:07 #87 Last Edit: Thu, 31 Dec 2009, 22:10 by burtongenius
Burton is a genius for his other movies.  I don't think his batman movies were the best.  They were definetely "out there" and left an impression on me, but I think batman should be left to less of an "artist" shall we say.  

Quote from: burtongenius on Thu, 31 Dec  2009, 22:07
Burton is a genius for his other movies.  I don't think his batman movies were the best.  They were definetely "out there" and left an impression on me, but I think batman should be left to less of an "artist" shall we say.  

Then this is probably not the site for you.

Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

then why is there a nolan section?  (thats probably where I should be)

I thought the site couldn't pick sides between burton and nolan? ;D