Is Batman realistic? Or just a comic book character?

Started by burtongenius, Fri, 11 Dec 2009, 00:04

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TDK, this thread stopped making sense a few pages ago.  I'm sure you can agree with that.

Quote from: thecolorsblend on Thu, 24 Dec  2009, 05:55
TDK, this thread stopped making sense a few pages ago.  I'm sure you can agree with that.

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Wed, 23 Dec  2009, 02:03

That was a massive turnaround. Praising Burton to the skies and then dropping him in a flash. Sounds to me your username should read ?nolangenius? as you seem to value a director that ?will carry out the realism?.

Or Bat-troll. I wonder if it's the same with "KeatonFan".

This whole topic is pretty simple.  Is it possible for a man to dress up in a costume and fight crime?  Yes.  If it sounds simplistic its because batman is simplistic.  People make his psychy way too complicated.  Those are the people who read too much comic books.

As far as which batman movie is the most realistic, it doesn't matter.  What matters is that people should get a realistic batman instead of a fun, fantasy film.  If you want that, watch spiderman or power rangers.  Batman is a realistic character and therefore should have media that protrays that.  Its not fair to batman to put him in a not real scenario. 

And just because somethings improbable, it doesn't make it any less realistic.  Will an asteroid hit us tomorrow?  Probably not.  But that doesn't make it any less realistic.  No matter how improbable people think bruce waynes life is, it doesn't make it any less realistic.

Mon, 28 Dec 2009, 17:11 #74 Last Edit: Mon, 28 Dec 2009, 17:34 by johnnygobbs
If this has been a ploy all along to get people on the site to agree with you and pronounce Nolan the best Batman director over Burton, I'm sorry to tell you it hasn't worked Jet...sorry, I meant 'Burtongenius'.
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

Mmmm, I hope this site doesn't become infested with folks who will do anything to bring down the Burton films, or is it too late?  :(

Mon, 28 Dec 2009, 17:39 #76 Last Edit: Mon, 28 Dec 2009, 17:46 by burtongenius
I don't care who made the most realistic batman.  This topic isn't about who made the most realistic batman.  Its about if batman itself is realistic or not.  And if batman is realistic, the most realistic batman incarnation is the best batman.  End of story. 

Plus, I'm still waiting for the George Miller Justice League Movie with Arnie (if it hasn't been trashed yet).  Now that would be a good batman.

Quote from: burtongenius on Mon, 28 Dec  2009, 17:03
People make his psychy way too complicated.  Those are the people who read too much comic books.

Considering that is the source material and those people are the target audience for a Batman film then that arguement doesn't make sense.

Quote from: burtongenius on Mon, 28 Dec  2009, 17:03As far as which batman movie is the most realistic, it doesn't matter.  What matters is that people should get a realistic batman instead of a fun, fantasy film.
Batman is fantasy. Fantasy doesn't have to be fun - it can be serious.

Quote from: burtongenius on Mon, 28 Dec  2009, 17:03If you want that, watch spiderman or power rangers
Such a narrow view - are you suggesting Batman films should be their own genre?

Quote from: burtongenius on Mon, 28 Dec  2009, 17:03Batman is a realistic character and therefore should have media that protrays that.  Its not fair to batman to put him in a not real scenario.
Unlike the source material has?

Quote from: burtongenius on Mon, 28 Dec  2009, 17:03And just because somethings improbable, it doesn't make it any less realistic.  Will an asteroid hit us tomorrow?  Probably not.  But that doesn't make it any less realistic.  No matter how improbable people think bruce waynes life is, it doesn't make it any less realistic.
There is more chance of someone dressing up as Batman and tackling crime in a major city that an asteriod hitting us tomorrow?
In fairness the probably of earth being impacted by an asteriod is probable. Why? Because it has happened in the past and continues to happen throughout the universe.  I have yet to see a Batman-like figure on the evening news.

Quote from: burtongenius on Mon, 28 Dec  2009, 17:39
I don't care who made the most realistic batman.  This topic isn't about who made the most realistic batman.  Its about if batman itself is realistic or not.  And if batman is realistic, the most realistic batman incarnation is the best batman.  End of story.
I'm sorry, but it does seem like you care who made the most realistic Batman. That statement is bordering on infringing one of the site's rules

Quote from: burtongenius on Mon, 28 Dec  2009, 17:39Plus, I'm still waiting for the George Miller Justice League Movie with Arnie (if it hasn't been trashed yet).  Now that would be a good batman.
Whether intentional or not - you are starting to sound like a troll.

Quote from: burtongenius on Mon, 28 Dec  2009, 17:39
I don't care who made the most realistic batman.  This topic isn't about who made the most realistic batman.  Its about if batman itself is realistic or not.  And if batman is realistic, the most realistic batman incarnation is the best batman.  End of story. 

Are you being purposefully dumb?  Firstly you state that you don't care who made the most realistic Batman.  Good.  But then you contradict yourself by stating that the most realistic Batman is ergo the best Batman.  Make your mind up.
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

Quote from: johnnygobbs on Mon, 28 Dec  2009, 18:45
Are you being purposefully dumb?  Firstly you state that you don't care who made the most realistic Batman.  Good.  But then you contradict yourself by stating that the most realistic Batman is ergo the best Batman.  Make your mind up.
Indeed. He doesn't make sense at all. It is clear to me we are dealing with a troll.