Batman 89 versus the Matrix

Started by burtongenius, Sat, 28 Nov 2009, 21:43

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Sat, 28 Nov 2009, 21:43 Last Edit: Sat, 28 Nov 2009, 21:50 by burtongenius
Did Keaton really start the hand wag (or finger wag) (against joker goons in alley) or did black guy on matrix start it.  Give credit where credits due.....  Or maybe it was started somewhere else.  I'm not exactly a movie expert or anything.
Here is the clip - start at about 4:06.

No replies huh? I'm a terrible topic starter. :) :) :).  Well then I'll talk to myself.  Most people think the matrix started the whole "come closer if you dare" hand wave.  It was really popularized in the culture.  But I think batman realized its coolness before anybody.  Can anyone really blame Bob?

Mon, 30 Nov 2009, 14:57 #2 Last Edit: Mon, 30 Nov 2009, 21:32 by Tarzan1941
First off the only thing The Matrix and Batman have in common is that they were both released from Warner Bros.  You know it's been 10 years and I am still trying to figure out why there were no ray guns in the Matrix.  Eh, I shouldn't bother, I mean I feel asleep twice in the theater attempting to watch this "excellent adventure."  

Anyway, although it would not surprise me to see that gesture in a movie released prior to 1989, I think it's an original moment in the movie as we get to see Batman just pleading the with the scum of Gotham to come closer, as he has waited a long time to get his hands on them!!!  

The problem, or at least how I see it anyway,  is Fan Boys, Inc. for some un-Godly reason, put the mantle of "coolest sci-fi film" label on the Matrix, and of course that bleed over to the comic book world and and before you know it - Batman gets pushed back into the corner, Bryan Singer puts his X-Men in black suits and Ben Affleck plays Daredevil like he is  Ben Affleck dressed in a red leather costume for Halloween.  Then comes along the Chris Nolan Batman films, "Where are they?!" plus you already had the Spider Man films out there - so everything that was once cool and great about, dare I say it, old movies, got pushed back, seemed dated and was only viewed by those who are either fanatics (raises his hand high!), moms not realizing what they are putting on the TV for their kid to watch because she was too busy making out with her then junior high sweet heart in the back of the theater and could not have even been bothered in watching Batman in the first place, or film students writing a paper on Tim Burton for the USC Film School.

The fact of the matter is this:  I am old.  I know where certain things, phrases, music, gestures - whatever comes from.   The problem with the mass majority of the public on this planet is they do not want to go back and educate themselves on anything older than say about 5 years old.  Just because "Star Trek" did well this year at the box office, does that mean enough people are going to go and seek out the original "Star Trek?"  I highly doubt it.  I can hear it now - "Isn't that the guy from those commericials?! EWWW!!!"  

Anyway, in the end, I think it may not matter who did it first. (Yeah I know, I just contradicted a lot of what I just ranted about.  Come on kids gimme a break- I am tired and my sinuses are playing with me. And not in the fun way either.)  What matters is who pulled it off better.  And in this case BATMAN DID!!!  Why? Because it's my favorite movie of all-time, I own several formats of the movie and it has stayed with me for 20 years now!!!  As for The Matrix?  Every time I hear anything about The Matrix I instantly go back to Optimus Prime dying and then dropping the Matrix, only to be recovered by Hot Rod, who then hands it over to Ultra Magnus.   That is the Matrix to me.  And that is all it ever will be!.

Batmobile, roll out!

Right on soul brother.  Yeah, all people care about is their 8 bucks of glitz and glammer.  People don't really care about star trek.  Nobody really cares about all the new super hero movies.  That may be a bit strong but I don't know.  The batman franchise from 89 (burton) made a comic book movie without the need for a comic book boom.  They broke the mold instead of riding on the backs of spiderman.  And your right it doesn't matter who did it first.  And your right, batman did it cooler (and I'm not just saying that).  People who think matrix is the best sci fi movie around haven't lived very long.  Basically the culture isn't, how can I say this "educated" about the past media.  Batman was beating scum before anyone knew there was scum. 

Sorry to burst your bubble, but I don't think people consider The Matrix to be one of the most influential and original sci-fi films of the last 25 years because of a hand wave gesture.  I think there's a little more to it than that... ::)

Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

Mon, 30 Nov 2009, 22:06 #5 Last Edit: Mon, 30 Nov 2009, 22:09 by burtongenius
Of course not.  Me bashing the matrix was a side note.  But it was thought of as the god of - science fiction/ action/ everything else a glitz and glammor guy wants- movies.  And thats just too much for any regular guy to handle.  I mean come on.  Its not a bad movie, but its just like everything else put out today.  The style I mean.  

Tue, 1 Dec 2009, 01:07 #6 Last Edit: Tue, 1 Dec 2009, 01:56 by The Dark Knight
Quote from: Tarzan1941 on Mon, 30 Nov  2009, 14:57
You know it's been 10 years and I am still trying to figure out why there were no ray guns in the Matrix.  Eh, I shouldn't bother, I mean I feel asleep twice in the theater attempting to watch this "excellent adventure."  
That's because the Matrix, the simulation, is set during 1999. Ray guns and the like do not exist because they cannot.

The machines could drop some in there, but it's going against the perfect recreation of that period. And the blue pills would freak out given the impossibility of such things. The machines don't want them freaking out. They want them placid. So they can go about their "lives", obliviously providing their body heat in the Fields.

In reality, it's actually closer to the year 2199. And in the real world, given the technical advancements that have taken place, they have the lightning gun.

It is an excellent adventure. The sequels by and large aren't much chop. But the first is one of the best movies made in my book.

And this thread is absurd. If you really think The Matrix went and watched Batman (1989) and 'copied' this, you're mad. The hand wave is an ancient aspect of martial arts. It's just hasn't been around for 20 years. Get real. And Batman used his index finger to summon Bob. He did not do the hand wave.

I have an infatuation with the Matrix films. They have obtained my fullest respect. I love all three films.
I don't see any connection between them and Michael Keaton Batman.  :P
"Do you like eating in here?"   ...Oh yeah. .. ....   ... ... ...You know to tell you the truth, I don't think I've ever been in this room before.   
"hahaeheheh"  You want to get out of here?  "YES."

Much  as i love Batman the Matrix movies,especially the first one, are amazing films imo easily one of the best sci fi movies ever.  The storylines are great and the fight scenes are great too okay reeves as neo wasnt amazing but Mopheus and trinity are just super cool characters.

the one shame to me was that they got caught up in a whole load of gobbledegook by the third movie im still not exactly sure what happend in the end.

Tue, 8 Dec 2009, 08:21 #9 Last Edit: Tue, 8 Dec 2009, 08:48 by The Dark Knight
Quote from: Batnar on Thu,  3 Dec  2009, 16:22
I have an infatuation with the Matrix films. They have obtained my fullest respect. I love all three films.
Yes, same here. The first film really was a tough act to follow, but I?m quite satisfied with the other two. Nothing else is much chop compared to the original. Quite seriously, the only thing I am not thrilled with is the lengthy Zion scenes in Reloaded.

The sequels offer some awesome moments. To name a few, the fight at the Merovingian?s chateau is quite possibly my favorite film fight ever. The Reloaded car chase brings down the house in terms of sheer awesomeness. The fight against the Smiths in the courtyard is crazy, and the climatic fight in the rain ends things perfectly. When I think back, there was not one bad piece of action presented.  

But most of all, I love the ideas the series presents. It sparks the imagination. It's deep and gets you thinking.