What would you do if you found yourself in Gotham City?

Started by johnnygobbs, Sat, 21 Nov 2009, 00:12

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Quote from: thecolorsblend on Sun, 22 Nov  2009, 09:10
Remember those motorcycle chicks in that alley when the Joker announces he was going to drop $20 million in cash?  The ones wearing tight shiny black pants?

I'd probably want to look a few of them up...

Y'know, just to say hello.  Or something.  :-X

offer to take them to longhorn.

What and where is Longhorn?

So you like 'biker chicks' colorsblend?

Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

Certainly not, I just like women in tight black shiny pants.

   Well Johnny Gobbs, I think I would be sort of a humanitarian type and want to stop the evil doers of gotham- like the reporter knox.  I definetely wouldn't want to be bad or would be with the people screaming for money from the joker.  You have to remember that according to the joker and penguin the people of gotham are not very smart or backboned.  the joker - "end your failed and useless lives", penguin- "squealing wretched pinhead puppets of gotham".  Maybe they were just bad speaking bad or maybe they were speaking a little bit of the truth. 
    I tend to belive in the latter but I dont know.  Anyhow, I would probably help batman in anyway I could and wouldn't regard him as a "winged freak".  Basically, its like jack napier said.  "Good people shouldn't live here."

Quote from: burtongenius on Thu, 26 Nov  2009, 16:06
You have to remember that according to the joker and penguin the people of gotham are not very smart or backboned.  the joker - "end your failed and useless lives", penguin- "squealing wretched pinhead puppets of gotham".  Maybe they were just bad speaking bad or maybe they were speaking a little bit of the truth. 
    I tend to belive in the latter but I dont know.  Anyhow, I would probably help batman in anyway I could and wouldn't regard him as a "winged freak".  Basically, its like jack napier said.  "Good people shouldn't live here."

Well spoken!  Personally, if I landed in Gotham City?  Well, I'd find something sexy to wear (if I wasn't already) and make a beeline to the Old Gotham Zoo, find some way into the arctic pavilion (perhaps a swan dive into the moat, that way my clothing could be transparent as well as sexy), fight off any circus creeps that happened to find this spectacle arousing, and throw myself at the feet of the Penguin, offering myself as his willing slave.

Can you tell I've thought this over?
The hopeful future Mrs. Cobblepot?

You seem to have it well thought out - don't forget to ask about the French Flipper Trick!

Oh, yeah.  That sort of writhing motion he did?  Uh-huh.  Mmmmm.
The hopeful future Mrs. Cobblepot?

Quote from: Pigeon on Sat, 10 Apr  2010, 08:24
Quote from: burtongenius on Thu, 26 Nov  2009, 16:06
You have to remember that according to the joker and penguin the people of gotham are not very smart or backboned.  the joker - "end your failed and useless lives", penguin- "squealing wretched pinhead puppets of gotham".  Maybe they were just bad speaking bad or maybe they were speaking a little bit of the truth. 
    I tend to belive in the latter but I dont know.  Anyhow, I would probably help batman in anyway I could and wouldn't regard him as a "winged freak".  Basically, its like jack napier said.  "Good people shouldn't live here."

Well spoken!  Personally, if I landed in Gotham City?  Well, I'd find something sexy to wear (if I wasn't already) and make a beeline to the Old Gotham Zoo, find some way into the arctic pavilion (perhaps a swan dive into the moat, that way my clothing could be transparent as well as sexy), fight off any circus creeps that happened to find this spectacle arousing, and throw myself at the feet of the Penguin, offering myself as his willing slave.

Can you tell I've thought this over?


Sat, 10 Apr 2010, 14:47 #18 Last Edit: Sat, 10 Apr 2010, 14:49 by The Dark Knight
Seriously though, if I found myself in Gotham City, I?d most likely be a brutal serial killer who came out to work every so often. Maybe once a month. Possibly twice. The rest of the time I'd be locked inside hiding away from it all. Quietly satisfied, knowing I am getting one over those losers.

Go after certain street punks that I don't like the look of. Anyone I want. Just a casual thing to pass the time, a thrill, a adrenaline shot. It wouldn?t raise that much suspicion and I?d be more or less untraceable. And in a City that bad, I doubt anyone is going to care too much.

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Sat, 10 Apr  2010, 14:47
Seriously though, if I found myself in Gotham City, I?d most likely be a brutal serial killer who came out to work every so often. Maybe once a month. Possibly twice. The rest of the time I'd be locked inside hiding away from it all. Quietly satisfied, knowing I am getting one over those losers.

Go after certain street punks that I don't like the look of. Anyone I want. Just a casual thing to pass the time, a thrill, a adrenaline shot. It wouldn?t raise that much suspicion and I?d be more or less untraceable. And in a City that bad, I doubt anyone is going to care too much.
