What would you do if you found yourself in Gotham City?

Started by johnnygobbs, Sat, 21 Nov 2009, 00:12

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If you woke up one day and found that you were a citizen of the country's most crime-ridden city what would you do?  Would you don a persona and fight crime, or would you join the forces of evil and transform yourself into a freakish villain?  Also, what would you do if you found yourself specifically caught in Burton's Batman Universe during the events of the two films?  Would you attend the 20th Anniversary celebration in Gotham?  How would you deal with the Red Triangle Circus Gang - would you put up a fight, or run as far away as you could?
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

put right what went wrong and leap out...with the help of my holographic guide.

Possibly seek out a job working for Bruce Wayne's company and quietly find out what kind of plastic surgery transformed District Attorney Harvey Dent, who looked alot like Billy Dee Williams, into a dead ringer for Tommy Lee Jones!

Cause that's very Nip/Tuck worthy.  ;D

"Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humour was provided to console him for what he is."

i'd light a tree, get kidnapped, fall of a roof, and die. lol.

The best job and the safest place to be. Alfred's assistant.

Quote from: Catwoman on Sat, 21 Nov  2009, 15:56
i'd light a tree, get kidnapped, fall of a roof, and die. lol.
I'd come out of my fortress briefly and be the one to push you off.

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Sun, 22 Nov  2009, 03:47
Quote from: Catwoman on Sat, 21 Nov  2009, 15:56
i'd light a tree, get kidnapped, fall of a roof, and die. lol.
I'd come out of my fortress briefly and be the one to push you off.

that don't surprise me. at all.

I'd sabotage Bruce Wayne and see how smart he truly is.

Remember those motorcycle chicks in that alley when the Joker announces he was going to drop $20 million in cash?  The ones wearing tight shiny black pants?

I'd probably want to look a few of them up...

Y'know, just to say hello.  Or something.  :-X