
Started by Grissom, Wed, 28 Oct 2009, 18:43

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I like to space the re-watches out, so as not to over-do any of them. Once or twice per movie per year is more than enough for me.

I actually loved TDK on first viewing, but thought it completely fell apart on the second, and all subsequent, screenings.

Of course, 89 and Returns don't aspire to the same pretensions that TDK does, and so picking them apart is positively a joy!

Both Returns and 89 are so visually dense that you're always taking in new detail; scrutinizing the minutiae. TDK lacks that texture. All punch, no 'feel'.

I feel like Returns is the most rewarding film to revisit. Some of those thrown away lines only really shine the twentieth time you hear them.

Quote from: drax1 on Mon,  2 Nov  2009, 15:28
I actually loved TDK on first viewing, but thought it completely fell apart on the second, and all subsequent, screenings.

Of course, 89 and Returns don't aspire to the same pretensions that TDK does, and so picking them apart is positively a joy!

Both Returns and 89 are so visually dense that you're always taking in new detail; scrutinizing the minutiae. TDK lacks that texture. All punch, no 'feel'.
I agree with this and feel the same way. I think a soundtrack really tells something about a film. On repeat viewings, I'm finding Nolan's Batman films quite dull, overlong and repetitive - like their soundtracks.