Batman Returns- Underated Classic or a Batman movie in name only

Started by Scarecrow756, Thu, 15 Oct 2009, 13:15

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Batman Returns truly has the most emotional value of all the Batman films. I also felt as if Burton was trying very hard to show the mirror, or similarities between the characters in Returns. So many say that it isn't a true Batman movie, but I thought it was the most Batman-ish movie.

For some reason (I think it's mainly major fanboys and Burton-haters) Batman Returns just isn't for everybody. However I think it's fair to say, those who like it, like it a lot!

Quote from: Scarecrow756 on Thu, 15 Oct  2009, 23:26I agree with you completly colour on your thoughts on Batman Returns, I am frankly tired of this patronising edge some of the people on BOF carry regarding Batman Returns espically Jett. I don`t mind if you dislike it but he seems to hate it with a firery passion that when ever is a time to mention how much he hates it and then to call in the worst of the genre next to Batman and Robin is plain stupid. In addition saying people don`t like Forever because of thier nosloegic love or attachment for B89 and BR what a load of tosh.
I would agree with that.  The main reason is because I went through a period where I didn't appreciate BR one bit and thought BF was a better movie.

Over time though, you kind of have to begin acknowledging that BR has actual depth while Forever... well, it's got a lot of neon.

If it were strictly about nostalgia, cripes, the summer of 1995 is a helluva lot more vivid and memorable for me than just about any other summer.

On paper, BF should have every conceivable nostalgic advantage but I have no hesitation in saying that BR is head and shoulders, front to back, top to bottom, side to side and from start to finish a better film than BF ever could've been on Joel Schumacher's best day.

Hey, I'm all about playing favorites.  I love Coke and despise Pepsi.  I'll eat Big Macs and talk smack about Whoppers all day long.  I prefer the Bronze Age Superman (1970's) comics to all other eras.  When it comes to Batman films, I'm Burton's man through and through.  I smoke Marlboro cigarettes and maintain that Winston cigarettes are for people with absolutely no self-respect.  None.

All I ask is that someone justify why something's their favorite.  That isn't a standard I don't meet myself so I don't see what the big deal is.  But hey, live and let live, I guess.

Bear with me for just a second, as this will be semi-long...

When Jett and others on BOF say that Tim Burton had no intention of paying attention to the comics or being loyal to the *comics,* they are absolutely right.

But frankly, I don't care about the comics. I care about the characters. Comic books are just the medium that that characters were introduced in and appear in most frequently, and they have plenty of drek to their name - much more drek than seminal issues.

Every interview I've ever read where Tim Burton talks about Batman has him talking mostly about the characters, and being true to the spirit of the world, and what he loved and found worthwhile in the material. And that's all I want artists to do when they adapt a character like Batman. And if they do that, I may not like or agree with what they do with the character, but I will respect them for their care and effort, and in that sense, Burton and Nolan are on the same level, and it does get annoying when people say that they aren't.

As to whether Returns is underrated; it's my favourite Batman movie, and I think its strength of character and theme are often ignored for issues of plot that most critics would be happy to ignore if this were an independent art film, but I rather like the fact that it's so divisive. I think it pays, every once and a while, to have a major production like this featuring a character like this that creates a lot of controversy among fans and artists working with the character. It keeps things interesting, and the debates that exist around Returns are nothing if not interesting.

Quote from: zDBZ on Fri, 16 Oct  2009, 03:27

But frankly, I don't care about the comics. I care about the characters. Comic books are just the medium that that characters were introduced in and appear in most frequently, and they have plenty of drek to their name - much more drek than seminal issues.

put purrfectly.

For me, its an amazing film, me, I'm not into comics, never have been, and never will be, but the story, the characters, all of it is just perfect, very dark, but it comes off as great.  And Jett, with his "it isn't a Batman film" well, tbh, he needs to get a life, lol, who gives a f*** whether it sticks 100% to the comics, if a good film is a good film, why bitch and complain about

Seriously, why is Jett held in such high regard and considered the authority on everything Batman?!

We should not be bothered by his Burton criticisms at all. He's just one guy with an opinion. No different to you or me.

If Tim Burton was exposed to Batman comics and it is widely accepted that B89 is influenced by those comics then why is there a notion that BR is not?

Is it suggested that Burton cannot remember reading those comics or researching B89 when it came time to make BR?  ::)

It's a bit like saying that that Indiana Jones ROTLA is infuenced by 1930's serials but TOD is not.

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Fri, 16 Oct  2009, 11:06
Seriously, why is Jett held in such high regard and considered the authority on everything Batman?!

We should not be bothered by his Burton criticisms at all. He's just one guy with an opinion. No different to you or me.

Who's Jett? And what is BOF?  I get the feeling he/she/it and this BOF are what Kevin Smith was talking about in Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back!

Quote from: ral on Fri, 16 Oct  2009, 11:16
It's a bit like saying that that Indiana Jones ROTLA is infuenced by 1930's serials but TOD is not.

And if Burton is not responsible for the comic influences, someone involved with those two films is. The comic influences are there. To say they are not is just turning a blind eye.

Quote from: Tarzan1941 on Fri, 16 Oct  2009, 12:07
Quote from: The Dark Knight on Fri, 16 Oct  2009, 11:06
Seriously, why is Jett held in such high regard and considered the authority on everything Batman?!

We should not be bothered by his Burton criticisms at all. He's just one guy with an opinion. No different to you or me.

Who's Jett? And what is BOF?  I get the feeling he/she/it and this BOF are what Kevin Smith was talking about in Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back!

never see nor heard of that but do you mean these fanboys who act like their testicles are so huge because they think they know more about a movie or comic franchise or whatev? soooooo amusing.