parts in the script not in the movie you wish that were

Started by Catwoman, Fri, 9 Oct 2009, 10:18

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ok so since the batman returns scripts are all online and everyone's read them, what are some parts that didn't make the movie that you wish had been in it? try to keep it to the two scripts that most closely rememble the actual movie.

theres one line of dialogue by the penguin that should have been kept in it. its when he's ranting about batman escaping without losing an eyeball or bladder control, he talks about the success the night had been up to that point and says in part "i iced the princess" and "almost got married. killed the bitch." when a male character, especially one as grotesque as the penguin, kills two women moments apart with a gleeful manner, they should have had him addreess them in such a cruel cold fashion. would have made him even more wretched, if thats possible.

ok your turns.

               Came this close to a perfect
               evening!  Iced the princess.  Blew
               away Batman.  Almost got married.
               Killed the bitch.  This close..!

Quote from: Catwoman on Fri,  9 Oct  2009, 10:20
               Came this close to a perfect
               evening!  Iced the princess.  Blew
               away Batman.  Almost got married.
               Killed the bitch.  This close..!


Great topic idea. One thing I wish they would have done was to have Nick, the mugger from the first movie, return as the mugger in Batman Returns, as it was depicted in the comic adaptation. That would have been a riot! Those scripts did have a lot of elements taken away that could have been... I'll think of some real good ones later.

Fri, 9 Oct 2009, 23:04 #4 Last Edit: Sat, 10 Oct 2009, 01:43 by batass4880
In Sam Hamm's draft, after Batman glides off a building he lands at a busy intersection. That would've been pretty cool IMO as opposed to him landing safely in that empty street.

Also, instead of "...she makes a hell of a cup of coffee", there was:

Selina gloomily backs out the door to the calls of "Me
     too", "Make mine a cappuccino" and "Do you have Decaf?"

               But uh...

                             MAX SHRECK
               Selina.  Go away.  Do not fret,
               gentlemen, if our meeting goes
               well, I'll let you watch me spank

Quote from: Darrell Kaiser on Fri,  9 Oct  2009, 22:03
One thing I wish they would have done was to have Nick, the mugger from the first movie, return as the mugger in Batman Returns, as it was depicted in the comic adaptation.
That would have been great. He could have been a re-occuring character in all of the Batman films, only to get smashed by either Batman or a villain each time.

Sat, 10 Oct 2009, 02:16 #7 Last Edit: Sat, 10 Oct 2009, 02:19 by johnnygobbs
What about this deleted sequence?

Selina saunters in, with coffee.  Chip, seeing her, sits up ramrod-straight.

Morning, Max.  Bummer about the store.  You insured?

I dawn well better be.  In fact I want you to phone those goniffs over at Gotham Insurance and tell them -

Actually I have to split.  Take a "personal day."  You don't mind?  Max, you're the tops.

Max nods -- sure, sure -- then sips his coffee.  And spits a live cockroach from his mouth!

Both Max and Chip GAG as it crawls across the table.

Those darned exterminators.  They swore the machine was ship-shape.

With that she turns, and saunters out.

Probably Selina's 'revenge' for the 'spank her' comment.
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

I wish they had filmed this part of the script, set during the Red Circus Triangle Gang's attack on Gotham Plaza:

Amid the chaos of whimpering victims and dropped shopping bags, a fleeing Ice Princess shoves an Elderly Woman to the ground.

I like the seemingly incongruous image of Gotham's beloved beauty queen pushing a little old lady to the ground in order to save herself.  It also makes her own later death seem less tragic, and more like a form of poetic justice in keeping with the film's dark comedic tone (much like the deaths of the mean teens in Daniel Waters' first film, 'Heathers').
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.