parts in the script not in the movie you wish that were

Started by Catwoman, Fri, 9 Oct 2009, 10:18

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I, personally would have liked to have seen how the ending in the Park would have been like

Actually, you speak of two, can anyone summarise them for me, I haven't seen, only one, and tbh, it was long as f***, so I only read the last part :-X

Batman Returns is a case where the finished film turned out far better than the initial script IMO, so I don't have a lot from the early drafts that I miss, but there was a scene in one of Dan Waters' drafts where Bruce and Commissioner Gordon met in the street and began discussing the Red Circus crimes, and Bruce started to slip into "Batman" mode. That moment was really well-written and probably the best Gordon scene in any script from the first series.

Mm thats an interesting one.

I guess I would swap Roxy for Sue Osman.

But the women on eastenders are probably the best in soap.

Men wise, again they are all good currently. There isnt anyone that irritates me.

Quote from: zDBZ on Sun, 11 Oct  2009, 05:37
Batman Returns is a case where the finished film turned out far better than the initial script IMO
Agreed. Reading the draft script was a struggle. Batman's dialogue was greatly expanded, he's spouting off little quips, etc. Not to mention the absolutely terrible Robin 'grease monkey' garage thing where he repairs and drives the Batmobile. If that script was filmed, while most likely retaining beautiful visuals, the film would have been mixed at best.

Quote from: GuitarCrazyo on Thu,  5 Nov  2009, 17:53
Mm thats an interesting one.

I guess I would swap Roxy for Sue Osman.

But the women on eastenders are probably the best in soap.

Men wise, again they are all good currently. There isnt anyone that irritates me.

what the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck?

I didn't care much for the Sam Hamm script.  "Mr. Boniface?"

I liked Waters' script before Strick got hold of it, but it was necessary--Waters' script would have ended up being a 4-hour movie, and was probably a little too sympathetic to the villains.  Would make a hell of a novel, though.

MAX (to Mayor)
Oh, of course.  Mayor Cobblepot
was a joke I never intended in
telling the punchline to.  It'll
just take a couple phone calls...

MAX (to Penguin)
People came to see you, because
you were a good show.  Limited
Engagement.  Did you really think
you'd become Mayor?  A Freak?
Causing a recall election?  Gosh,
I feel bad now.  I misled

I'd never been to a Christmas
party before.  It didn't have to
be like this.  Then maybe it did.

Or, who could deny this exchange?  Poor Penguin!

I liked the idea of a brother...
Did not quite work out,
did it?  God, I remember the
first time I looked at you in
that playpen--those eyes, that
nose...I always wondered why Mom
and Dad waited a whole week before
throwing you down the sewer...

All along, all this time, you've
been just a poor little rich boy,
an incredibly hideous poor little
rich boy, who just wants to go
back to his Mummy, his Daddy,
and the legitimacy of his family name.
Did not quite work out, did it?

It's cold in here...
The hopeful future Mrs. Cobblepot?

if they'd left that in there, it would have been harder to hate him. i still would have, but it would have been harder. lol.

Which, I'm sure, is precisely why it was removed, and precisely why my tag says "The hopeful future Mrs. Cobblepot?"  Though pity is nothing to base a relationship on, it shows Penguin's humanity, as much as he might hate having it, it's there.
The hopeful future Mrs. Cobblepot?

Mr. Boniface was Penguin's original alias in his first comic appearance. His real name was revealed in an appearance in the Batman comic strip from the forties.
Why is there always someone who bring eggs and tomatoes to a speech?