Favourite Joker Gadget/Item

Started by The Dark Knight, Wed, 30 Sep 2009, 10:12

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What is your favourite?

Long barreled gun
4 (19%)
Acid flower
3 (14.3%)
Hand on a spring
2 (9.5%)
Telescopic boxing glove
1 (4.8%)
Posion quill pen
0 (0%)
High voltage ring
7 (33.3%)
Laugh box
0 (0%)
Chattering teeth
1 (4.8%)
Smylex gas
3 (14.3%)

Total Members Voted: 21

Sat, 28 Nov 2009, 20:56 #20 Last Edit: Sat, 28 Nov 2009, 21:00 by burtongenius
Dang it off the ship Scotty!  The joker didn't invent smylex.  My whole view of what I consider reality has changed :D.  Great find.  Or just more observant than most average joes :).  Or nobody pays attention anymore.  Whether he invented it or not it doesn't matter.  It was his gadget now (rebranded like someone said) and I still wouldn't consider it a gadget.  Its like considering the acid in the flower a gadget.  The flowers the gadget, the acid is what the flower uses ( buzzer-electricity, gun- bullet, etc.)  I know the smylex was a new invention, but I would think the balloons would technically have to be the "gadget".  I know thats a big jump but its the only way I can reasonably sort it out.  I think you can't really tell what it isn't.  It fits in so many categories.  The best thing to say is what it is and I say it is a tool that the joker uses to hurt people.  It is not a gadget like his other things.  The gadgets are a part of who he is.  The smylex is a tool he uses.  It doesn't matter though.  Great poll.  I voted for the spring punching bag myself.  It isn't fair to pick a favorite.