Burton's BATMAN NEW Action Figures

Started by ZUPERZERO, Tue, 5 Feb 2008, 11:09

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Batman toys are Batman toys. Kids dont pay that much attention to the finer details of the figures. They see Batman on the shelves and they want one. They may want the blue one, the green one, the grey one. But what they see is the basic image of "Batman". If they were to do a lone that featured different sculpts based on the different movies, they honestly wouldnt care. Its just Batman. There really isnt any reason why this couldnt be done. They would move just as good as 15 of the same sculpt.

Quote from: shadowbat69 on Wed, 25 Jun  2008, 00:49
Batman toys are Batman toys. Kids dont pay that much attention to the finer details of the figures. They see Batman on the shelves and they want one. They may want the blue one, the green one, the grey one. But what they see is the basic image of "Batman". If they were to do a lone that featured different sculpts based on the different movies, they honestly wouldnt care. Its just Batman. There really isnt any reason why this couldnt be done. They would move just as good as 15 of the same sculpt.

Yes, but a mass market collectible (which is what most fans would want, I imagine) is going to be out of the path of availability to kids. If the figures cost too much, it becomes strictly for collectors.
"There's just as much room for the television series and the comic books as there is for my movie. Why wouldn't there be?" - Tim Burton

Quote from: DocLathropBrown on Tue, 24 Jun  2008, 06:22
The comic-based figures sell. The movie based ones sell, but not very well.

You are so wrong, why you are so sure that this figures are not marketeable???
i have a toy store and the movie, cartoon or comics action figures sell well, it dont depends if is a movie or comic action figure, that depends on the succes of the film, comic or cartoon in wich that character(af) was.

insteed of trying to win your disscussion: suport the campain, have some faith

Wow, someone's taking this a bit too seriously.  ;)

Deep Breaths zuperzero. Deep breaths.


Wed, 25 Jun 2008, 04:32 #44 Last Edit: Wed, 25 Jun 2008, 05:05 by ZUPERZERO
Quote from: raleagh on Tue, 24 Jun  2008, 08:06
Quote from: nickdaring on Tue, 24 Jun  2008, 07:28
Kinda like how the Reeves superman character is mega Iconic but no new stuff gets made.

Firstly - who would buy these figures?  Your average comic book film fan? Perhaps. 
Are they more likely to buy a TDK figure that and B89 figure? Perhaps.
Do WB realise the potentional their past movies have? Perhaps not.

you ask who will buy it????, look: dc direct has every action figure for each comic adventure like Franks miller's Dark Knight Returns, The Long Halloween, The Killing Joke, Secret files etc etc. i bet you whatever you want that every single Batman Film since 1989 are more popular than any comic book adventure that's for sure!!!  i insist there are many action figures of many movies, tv series, comic books characers that i'm sure are less "Massive" popular than any Batman Film ( check out entertaimentearth.com or some collector's store.

and then again; why believe that the Danny Elfman's Soundtracks must be re-realeased and the "masses" will buy it and that this kind of memorabila won't have buyers???

i honestly doubt that the wb want to re-realese those soundtracks for the same  reason i believe that those action figures are not there: WB is not going to risk the attention Nolan's films needs to have success, because they know that there is a controversy with the fans between who's better: the Burton-Elfman Team or the Nolan team. maybe the mass wont care but the mass care what the specialist and rummors says (tv, internet, etc), and if they know that the fans dont like it they know that will afect the audience (and success), look at the results of the awfull superman returns

the only thing we have is our voice, let's make this campain too!!! ;)

I give up. Some people are Hell-bent against logic.
"There's just as much room for the television series and the comic books as there is for my movie. Why wouldn't there be?" - Tim Burton

I will certainly set up a petition if most people want it, but i need the following

1.  who should the petition be addressed to specifically - without an accurate recipitent, the petition is useless.

2.  detailed descriptions, dimensions, etc of what figures are wanted and accessories - what exactly are we asking for?

3.  a well written argument to post as the main letter of the petition - it has to be short, to the point and contain logical reasoning.

I suppose it it better to have a petition here than on some obsure online petition site.  I can also verify the authenticity of signatures on this site, which gives it more weight.

Personally, although these things would be cool to have, i am not pining for them so i won't be taking the responsibility to drum support for them (though i will do what i can).

What say you?  ;)

Go for it Raleagh!

And Zuperzero, good points!!! :)

maybe you should all compile the three points i need.

I have sorted out the site, i just need the info to put on it.

Yeah ok, can you give me a couple of days?