Burton's BATMAN NEW Action Figures

Started by ZUPERZERO, Tue, 5 Feb 2008, 11:09

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Tue, 24 Jun 2008, 06:22 #30 Last Edit: Tue, 24 Jun 2008, 06:26 by DocLathropBrown
Who would be interested in B89 figures? Answer me that, ZuperZero.

Only B89 fans. And that is not enough to make any real money from it.

For the copyrights to be a problem, the figures have to be being considered, which B89 figures aren't. And even then, copyrights make no difference. DC Direct has the rights already because WB made the film AND owns DC. No wrangling required. The actors already signed away their likeness rights for the previous toys.

It's not that I'm negative. It's that your fandom/faith is getting in the way of your common sense. Companies have to make things for the widest audiences possible. The comics and the movies are different. The comic-based figures will sell without question. But figures based on an outdated adaptation are very, very niche. Only a fourth or even half of the collectors who buy the specific comic-based Batman figures would be interested in B89 figures.

I work in a comic book store. I have firsthand experience with what things sell and which ones don't. The comic-based figures sell. The movie based ones sell, but not very well.

Sometimes, I think you guys want unrealistically high expectations. Hate to break it to you, but the rest of the world doesn't see B89 the way we do. They did once, but times change.
"There's just as much room for the television series and the comic books as there is for my movie. Why wouldn't there be?" - Tim Burton

I'd say that Batman 89 is slowly transitioning from just a  Batman adaptation into a classic film of it's own right.

I think in few years you may see stuff done for it like you would Alien or Robocop is now. Multiple movies and interpretations for those two characters but that doesn't stop collectible makers from revisiting them.

The 89 Batmobile has seen a big resurgence in the last couple years as far a new collectibles go. A few years ago, a repress of the classic 89 Bats and Joker in a two pack was released in an 89 styled packaging. Also the most recent Lego Batwing is a dead ringer for the 89 Batwing.

I think 89 will find it's footing as a cult film like many of it's 80's movie counterparts and will eventually get further memorbilia treatment.

HOWEVER, as long as new Batman movies, comics, and cartoons keep being made the likelyhood of them focusing on 89 based product diminishes. The product maker's attention is filled with too much new concept to allow them to revisit the "classics" perhaps.

Kinda like how the Reeves superman character is mega Iconic but no new stuff gets made.

The fact that there are amazing figures for some incredibly obscure and quite frankly terrible movies amazes me.


Tue, 24 Jun 2008, 08:06 #32 Last Edit: Tue, 24 Jun 2008, 08:08 by raleagh
Quote from: nickdaring on Tue, 24 Jun  2008, 07:28
Kinda like how the Reeves superman character is mega Iconic but no new stuff gets made.

Chris Reeve's likeness was never signed away for toy manufacture, so the chances of that are slim.

I get what everyone is saying here, but there is middle ground.

Firstly - who would buy these figures?  Your average comic book film fan? Perhaps. 
Are they more likely to buy a TDK figure that and B89 figure? Perhaps.
Do WB realise the potentional their past movies have? Perhaps not.

What Doc is saying is true and it is what I said - these figures would be for a niche market.  However, determining the size of that market is what may get the figures made.  Also determining the range of figures that would sell to that market will help more.  There wouldn't be enough support on this site to get them made, so it will require a broad concensous from the wider community.

It is also true that average Joe Public doesn't give a rats ass about Batman 89 - but let me tell ya - he doesn't give a rats ass about Batman either (unless it's showing in the cinema every once in a while).  B89 fans are in the minority, but not much more than Batman fans in general.

Look its simple. The hype around the Dark Knight is like any other blockbuster coming out. Look at batman 89 for instance. TDK is expected to be thee big movie of the year, and no doubt it will be. Thats why no ones talking about batman 89 outside, OK DOC!!? Its nearly 20 years old. And yes I have been out latley DOC, and no ones talking about the Dark Knight lol theres bigger things to talk about in Belfast than a over hyped million dollor movie which doesnt effect peoples every day life lol

So the merchandise of TDK is a big part of that 'blockbuster' which Jaws created by the way, and star wars built on two years later.

But is there a fan base to buy Batman 89 statues and bust?? YES i think so.
Imagine Jack Nicholsons Joker statue standing beside Heat Ledgers Joker, or even as a set old and new.
These are collector items and cult items  for serious collectors to buy. I'm looking at it from a movie fan point of view, not a batman fan point of view.

I'm looking at things realistically. No need to get bent out of shape about it.
"There's just as much room for the television series and the comic books as there is for my movie. Why wouldn't there be?" - Tim Burton

Joker81, all DocLathropBrown is saying is getting a mass-market interest in Burton's films again will be a difficult task. With Young fans typically but not in all cases only being exposed to recent entries in the bat saga and fan boys being completely devoted to Nolan's faithfulness to comic book lore (A point I find arguable) it seems like anything happening to propel renewed interest in Burton?s films anytime soon to be unrealistic. WB wouldn?t create such a conflict of interest between franchises.

I agree that we will see Burton?s films elevate higher above Nolan?s entries if not because of fan boy pleasing characterization then maybe because of better filmmaking in general considering Nolan?s films general over saturation, over splashy dialogue, and overall long-windedness that reflects the lower quality side of today?s films that still somehow excite the mainstream, but I have a feeling it will be when we?re all 20 years older and losing hair. B89 and Returns will be a part of nostalgic history when they have their ?comeback?.

But then again, what if a petition did raise enough awareness that WB decided to do it?

Maybe there would be some hope. Howver, again we get the conflict of interest.

Quote from: raleagh on Tue, 24 Jun  2008, 22:06
But then again, what if a petition did raise enough awareness that WB decided to do it?

It would have to be one Hell of a response.
"There's just as much room for the television series and the comic books as there is for my movie. Why wouldn't there be?" - Tim Burton

Quote from: DocLathropBrown on Tue, 24 Jun  2008, 22:18
Quote from: raleagh on Tue, 24 Jun  2008, 22:06
But then again, what if a petition did raise enough awareness that WB decided to do it?

It would have to be one Hell of a response.

very very true.

It would require all those wanting a petition to be pro-active in drumming support for quite a while.