Burton Trilogy

Started by DarkHeart, Fri, 18 Sep 2009, 02:35

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Quote from: Joker81 on Mon, 30 Nov  2009, 15:24
We should stop saying we are sorry - we didnt start this cr4p.

Yes, true, but that doesn't mean we have to stoop to the so-called 'Nolanites' level and arbitarily bash Batman Begins or TDK.

Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

I agree with joker81.  The joker origin had variations (at least I think- not humongous comic buff), but the main thing was that he fell in a vat of chemicals.  And, though I don't know any specifics of any batman origins tweaks- doesn't mean it hasn't been done, I can see perfectly how people can change the batman origin just enough for the whole dynamic of what the comic or movie is trying to say.  And thats very interesting about the first six months not having a batman origin.  Just because the batman origin is I guess set in stone now doesn't mean thats what the comics intended in the first place - but I really don't know.  Its just interesting.
  In response to nolan bashing.  I understand movie makers having different views or takes on movies, whether they are right or wrong.  But I think they at least have to be in the realm of reasononableness according to the comics.  Nolan went over the line with the joker and two face (and scarecrow too for that matter).  Just because somethings new doesn't make it better.  And just somethings old doesn't make it better.  Only its content makes it better.

Oh brother,  ::)... if we're all going to split hairs about the faithfulness of the comic films vis-a-vis the original comics, where does that leave the whole 'Joe Chill killed Bruce's parents, not The Joker' chestnut, that everyone seems to get worked up about?  Frankly, I couldn't care less.  The filmmakers are entitled to take some liberties with the comics if it facillitates their story effectively, as I believe it did do in the case of Batman, Batman Returns, Batman Begins and TDK. 

Another example I'd give, which I know sends many fanboys into a frenzy is the substitution of organic web-shooters for mechanical web-shooters in Spiderman.  The tweaks in this case make much more sense, bearing in mind that Peter Parker is supposed to have a spider's entire gamut of abilities, and that he's also meant to start off as a fairly ordinary (albeit highly intelligent) kid, not some mega-genius who could be living the high life off his high-tech inventions by the time he gets bitten by a radioactive/genetically enhanced spider (another change that has zero negative effect on the integrity of the story being told).
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

Thats what I've been saying all along!  Its alright to change spiderman from the comics to the screen as long as you keep the basic building blocks the same. 
  Changing who killed jokers parents is putting the comics through the filter of reality for the movie version.  But the basic facts should stay the same that someone killed batmans parent and it was a gangster type.  Same with the joker and even our friendly neighborhood spiderman ;).

Going off the subject with Spiderman, but again if you want to stay faithful to the 'original' comics Joe Chill didnt kill Bruce Waynes parents. He was a nameless thief who was never caught.

Quote from: Joker81 on Mon, 30 Nov  2009, 22:56
He was a nameless thief who was never caught.

What?  Not Jack Napier/ The Joker?   ;)

Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

Tue, 1 Dec 2009, 01:29 #87 Last Edit: Tue, 1 Dec 2009, 04:04 by The Dark Knight
Quote from: burtongenius on Mon, 30 Nov  2009, 02:47
Ledger was theatrical.  Ledger was weird.  Ledger was homocidal.  Ledger was angry at the world (especially his father).
Most of your comments I have already touched on. I?d just be repeating myself. But I saw this and just had to laugh.

Quote from: Joker81 on Mon, 30 Nov  2009, 15:24
mmmm, not so much splitting hairs as in staying true to what the real origins are. I mean you cant have it both ways, make up your mind!
Yes we can. And we do.

Quote from: Joker81 on Mon, 30 Nov  2009, 15:24
I am not bashing Nolans films either, I accept them for what they are
I'm not sure about you, but burtongenius does bash the Nolan films and doesn't accept them for what they are. I just have to look at his post history to see that.


What?  Not Jack Napier/ The Joker?   ;)
No, the post is about bruce's killer

dark knight
What joker81 is saying is that just because you don't like something doesn't mean you bash it.  Big difference.  And I honestly don't understand your other comments. ???

Quote from: burtongenius on Tue,  1 Dec  2009, 03:43
I honestly don't understand your other comments. ???
Not surprised there.