Burton Trilogy

Started by DarkHeart, Fri, 18 Sep 2009, 02:35

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Quote from: ral on Wed, 23 Sep  2009, 01:14
Quote from: batass4880 on Tue, 22 Sep  2009, 20:35
Same thing with Peters & Guber for Returns.

Apparently they were on set.

Wow, never knew that. It must have bugged the hell out of Peters that he couldn't tell Burton what to do.

i don't think billy dee williams ever had the kind of star power to be considered as a possibility for a major villain in a summer blockbuster - i doubt burton would have used him had he been in charge of batman forever

Wed, 23 Sep 2009, 04:03 #22 Last Edit: Fri, 16 Oct 2009, 23:03 by batass4880
It would've been great to see what Gotham's Chinatown would've looked like had Burton made the third film and made it at Pinewood.

Quote from: WingedFreak71 on Wed, 23 Sep  2009, 03:09
i don't think billy dee williams ever had the kind of star power to be considered as a possibility for a major villain in a summer blockbuster - i doubt burton would have used him had he been in charge of batman forever
Rubbish. I think Burton would have used him. Seen a film called The Empire Strikes Back by any chance?

Burton was Executive producer on batman Forever wasnt he?

Spielberg was Executive producer on a lot of films, yet had nothing to do with them. For one it gives the movie a bit more weight at the box office if Spielbergs name is attached - same could be said for Burton and Batman Forever.

However, maybe it was a payoff for Burton on WB part, for them not letting him do the third, kind of a golden handshake..... no doubt Burton got a good few dollors profit being Executive Producer on Batman Forever since it was such a financial success. Just a thought.

yeah Billy Dee Williams was SO good in ESB/ROTJ that 10 years later he got another acting job lol

he only gets added respect on this board because he was IN the film we all worship - and by 1995 (Forever time) he'd been completely off of hollywood radar

he was fine though with his few lines in B89 - but so was Eckhardt (Porkins from ESB by the way) and the hooker who propositions the 10 year old kid in the opening

Wed, 23 Sep 2009, 21:03 #26 Last Edit: Wed, 23 Sep 2009, 21:29 by batass4880
Harrison Ford was in those movies too and he probably could've made a great Two-Face. I could even see him playing Dent in '89. Williams was good though.

Quote from: WingedFreak71 on Wed, 23 Sep  2009, 03:09
i don't think billy dee williams ever had the kind of star power to be considered as a possibility for a major villain in a summer blockbuster - i doubt burton would have used him had he been in charge of batman forever

I agree.

It's no secret WB enjoyed having big name celebs play the villains. Nicholson worked out brilliantly with Batman. Danny Devito was being rumored for the Penguin years before it actually happened, and Michelle was just the right actress for Catwoman as well. Being that Annette Benning was originally cast, but got a bun in the oven via Dick Tracy, WB in a unforeseen turn of events, simply got extremely lucky there.

In 1994, when Batman Forever was filming, Billy Dee simply did not have the star power WB preferred, and no doubt it would have been heavily suggested to Burton for Two-Face to be played by a much more high profiled actor.

As Billy Dee says, "That's show business!".

"Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humour was provided to console him for what he is."

Personally, I reckon Batman 3 may have cast Billy Dee Williams as 'Two-Face, and that Burton would have placated the studio's demand for a star by casting Robin Williams (no relation  ;D) as The Riddler.  After all, the role of 'Two-Face' was promised to BDW before he signed up for the first Batman, although I do take into account what has been said about him no longer being a big name by 1995 (the earliest date Batman 3 could have been realised).

Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

Quote from: batass4880 on Wed, 23 Sep  2009, 21:03
Harrison Ford was in those movies too and he probably could've made a great Two-Face. I could even see him playing Dent in '89. Williams was good though.

Very interesting idea! Would have worked. Harrison could have used a villain role and his an A-list celebrity, so he would have fit the bill in that regard.