I'll be on the radio tonight...

Started by PJ, Tue, 15 Sep 2009, 18:55

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Yeah, this comment about the lighting, combined with what he said about how "dated" Batman feels compared to the HD we're used to seeing these days, really sounded like coming from a guy that cares more about the recent advancements in film technology and not the "heart" of good movies. By such standards, Escape From New York feels dated compared to Gamer (2009) or Robocop is dated compared to Transformers, or Terminator 1 is dated compared to Terminator 4 (and this is not to put down Hellboy, I love Del Toro's work).

Someone should tell them guys Batman was supposed to be filmed that way - dark! Film Noir.  What a cheek, not like it was Steven Spielberg saying it. What do they know about film?
To be honest them guys would prefer to watch overpaid pre-madonna footballers knock a ball about a field for 90 minutes, and pay for it! They are not film fans.

I'm sorry if I sound harsh, but I got the feeling they were taking the p1ss out of some of the people that took time out of their night to phone into their show. They may not understand multible viewings of a movie, but respect other peoples opinion, likes/ dislikes. If not then why do a story on it?

One of them said Star Wars was not dated! Yeah right. Its a lot more dated than Batman. He said the reason it wasnt was because of the sets, and they didnt use minitures. These guys really need to do their research before making bold statments like that. Batman had the biggest set ever made for a movie up to that point. The sets were amazing on Pinewood!! Also Star Wars revelutionised the way minatures where filmed and used in movies for over a decade!!! Didnt some of the guys that worked on Batman work on Star Wars?

This isnt an attack on star wars by the way, I like that film. I am just making a point about some of their comments. And just because a film is considered dated, doesnt make it a bad movie! Some of the best films/stories were made 20/30/40 years ago! King Kong was made 76 years ago and it is brilliant!!

I think Batman holds up really well, it doesnt relay on big special effects, yet as I have said-and what makes batman special to me is the sets, costumes, the dark aspect of the film, acting and music.

I think the point is none of the guys presenting the show are film fans, so their opinions regarding the quality of Batman hardly matter that much.  I don't necessarily agree that they were making fun of the callers though.  Certainly, they were respectful to PJ, as indeed they should be.  They just didn't get why anyone would want to watch a film more than once (hence my first comment regarding them not being real film fans).

Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

Like I said before, it was crystal clear in the cinema. It seems like it got darker when in came out on video.

The lighting and the play on shadows is just one of the aspects that Burton used to create the wonderful atmosphere of the film.

I thought I read somewhere that audiences complained the movie was too dark in theaters and so they lightened it up on the VHS?

Personally I think with each re-release of Batman on DVD/Blue-ray the film is being 'lightened', hence it is losing a lot of its gothic and noir impact.