Started by Kamdan, Fri, 11 Sep 2009, 16:14

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Damn you're lucky, soak in every minute of the expierence and have fun!!  8)
Sam Kinison is my God.

Sat, 12 Sep 2009, 02:00 #11 Last Edit: Sat, 12 Sep 2009, 02:03 by The Dark Knight
I look forward to what you have to say, Darrell.

Seeing Batman on the big screen must surely be a totally different experience.

That sounds really cool, they haven't celebrated the 20th anniversary in the UK. You're really lucky, hope you have a great time  :)
My balloons. Those are my balloons. HE STOLE MY BALLOONS!

Sat, 12 Sep 2009, 15:11 #14 Last Edit: Sat, 12 Sep 2009, 15:24 by Darrell Kaiser
Well, I must say that seeing my absolute favorite film on the big screen was truly gratifying! I was quite nervous at first because the movie was playing in one of the theaters that had also had digital projector and would show their older movies with a DVD, thus ruining the whole theater going experience. BUT, when the previews and bumpers and came up, I knew it was going to be a film print, as I was promised! That sure was a relief!  I kept going, ?SHOW THE MOVIE! SHOW THE MOVIE!? Must have been what everyone was saying back in 1989, not caring about the previews. Then? IT STARTED! And It sure was a film print! I was in heaven. I kept a huge SMILEX-induced smile on my face throughout the whole film. The movie?s picture quality was JUST RIGHT. Not too dark or too light. It was EXCACTLY the way I wanted to see it. I don?t why people complained that the picture was too dark back then. If anything, when the movie came to home video, THEY made it darker. The audience was really good for the movie. I thought there wouldn?t have been that many people, but it was a good crowd. They all were laughing at Nicholson?s antics and the Knox?s jokes and just having a ball. I had always wanted to see an audience?s reaction to the movie and I got one! I think seeing a movie in a theater puts your perspective of the movie in place better. Like, I noticed why there were complaints about Batman being hardly in it and The Joker having all of the screen time, along with just how RADIANT Basinger was in the movie, MUCH better than watching it at home, EVEN on Blu-ray. I was thinking about checking it out again tonight, but sitting through it twice at 9:00 PM and 11:35 PM can burn you out for a while, so I?ll stick with two. I hope EVERYONE OF YOU will one day have the experience that I had. You?ll never forget it?

Great stuff darell, I remember hearing and reading about people's experience watching this film, not only from '89 but from other viewings in recent years. It's great that you had a fantastic time. Thanks for sharing your experience with us, and I must say I can't wait for my turn.

"Does it look like I'm joking?"  ;D

Here's some pics. I did say that it wouldn't be that spectacular. My pics of me under a marquee for Superman: The Movie was the bomb! Enjoy!

Aliens in the Attic!  Cool!   ;)

Seriously though Darrell, nice report.  I was also fortunate enough to see Batman Returns on the big screen at the South Bank Centre in London a couple of years ago during a Tim Burton Retrospective.  Like you, I had the pleasure of watching a favourite film of mine on the big screen for the first time amongst a crowd who were similarly laughing at the comical moments, and were thoroughly engrossed the rest of the time.
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

Awesome Pics, dude! I'm really rather envious.