the jokers death

Started by cementman, Mon, 31 Aug 2009, 03:58

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Sun, 6 Sep 2009, 21:58 #50 Last Edit: Sun, 6 Sep 2009, 21:59 by silenig
I always hate it when the iconography of the Batman movies mixes with politics. I'd say this poster looks a bit like like Alfred Newman.

Quote from: johnnygobbs on Sun,  6 Sep  2009, 14:14That 'why so socialist' poster bugs me.  Yet another reason for taking issue with the 'new' Batman franchise.  I always figured that the die-hard Nolanites were closet-Republicans.  Guess I was right.
What do you mean?  I love TDK and I feel like I've been relatively open about that.  The poster is strictly an indictment of St. Hopenchange.  Lighten up.

Quote from: silenig on Sun,  6 Sep  2009, 21:58
I always hate it when the iconography of the Batman movies mixes with politics. I'd say this poster looks a bit like like Alfred Newman.
Haha, that's what I thought as well. Don't care for it though, but that's because I'm a die-hard Obamaite. Anyway, back to Joker's Death....
Sam Kinison is my God.

Quote from: thecolorsblend on Sun,  6 Sep  2009, 22:44
What do you mean?  I love TDK and I feel like I've been relatively open about that.  The poster is strictly an indictment of St. Hopenchange.  Lighten up.

I love TDK as well.  I wasn't having a go so much at the Nolan films as I was Republicans, but I do get the impression that some of the die-hard Nolanites on other Batman-movie related sites I could mention have a Republican way about them.

In any case my digs weren't directed at you colorsblend, whether you are a Republican or not.  So I hope I didn't cause you any personal offence.  They were merely an off-the-cuff observation.

PS:  What's wrong with hope and change?
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

Quote from: johnnygobbs on Mon,  7 Sep  2009, 00:06I love TDK as well.
Oh yeah, and when it comes to Burton's films or Nolan's... c'mon, I'm on this site.  Political junk aside, I'm Burton's man through and through.

QuoteI wasn't having a go so much at the Nolan films as I was Republicans, but I do get the impression that some of the die-hard Nolanites on other Batman-movie related sites I could mention have a Republican way about them.
Honestly, I can't say I've noticed that.

QuoteIn any case my digs weren't directed at you colorsblend, whether you are a Republican or not.
I'm a conservative... which sometimes means being a Republican.

QuotePS:  What's wrong with hope and change?
This probably isn't the thread for that kinda stuff.  No offense.

Mon, 7 Sep 2009, 05:19 #55 Last Edit: Mon, 7 Sep 2009, 06:47 by batass4880
Quote from: thecolorsblend on Mon,  7 Sep  2009, 00:14
Quote from: johnnygobbs on Mon,  7 Sep  2009, 00:06
QuotePS:  What's wrong with hope and change?
This probably isn't the thread for that kinda stuff.  No offense.
Then why the bumper sticker? You should take your own advice.


Yeah, because imagine if we had public schools, social security, medicare, had to pay taxes, and if W. (a conservative Republican) had signed a bill giving over $700 billion of tax payers' money to the Nation's banks.

You can obviously tell which side of the spectrum I'm on but seriously, expect to get responses like this. We should all have a 'don't go there' policy regarding politics here. If we don't, then it's a great way to turn friends into enemies on what is (for the most part) a pretty friendly site.

Mon, 7 Sep 2009, 06:52 #56 Last Edit: Mon, 7 Sep 2009, 06:54 by thecolorsblend
Quote from: batass4880 on Mon,  7 Sep  2009, 05:19Then why the bumper sticker? You should take your own advice.
Because I can put anything in my sig I want.  Because I didn't ask for your approval.  Because I don't need your approval.  Because if someone really wants to go into this, we've got an Off Topic section.

QuoteYeah, because imagine if we had public schools,
Yeah, how's that going?

Quotesocial security, medicare,

Quotehad to pay taxes,
If it was only about money, the tax bracket into which I fall would make it expedient to vote Democrat every time out.

Quoteconservative Republican
Well, you're half-right anyway.

Quoteand if W. (a conservative Republican) had signed a bill giving over $700 billion of tax payers' money to the Nation's banks.
If... what?  Is there a question in there somewhere?

QuoteYou can obviously tell which side of the spectrum I'm on but seriously, expect to get responses like this. We should all have a 'don't go there' policy regarding politics here. If we don't, then it's a great way to turn friends into enemies on what is (for the most part) a pretty friendly site.
And yet that didn't keep you from shooting your mouth off, did it?

The sig stays.

Mon, 7 Sep 2009, 07:13 #57 Last Edit: Mon, 7 Sep 2009, 08:10 by batass4880
Quote from: thecolorsblend on Mon,  7 Sep  2009, 06:52
Quote from: batass4880 on Mon,  7 Sep  2009, 05:19Then why the bumper sticker? You should take your own advice.

QuoteYou can obviously tell which side of the spectrum I'm on but seriously, expect to get responses like this. We should all have a 'don't go there' policy regarding politics here. If we don't, then it's a great way to turn friends into enemies on what is (for the most part) a pretty friendly site.
And yet that didn't keep you from shooting your mouth off, did it?

I apologize. I was just trying to make a point that nobody wants to hear other people's politics on a non-political site.

And again, that didn't stop you from shooting your mouth, did it?

Quote from: thecolorsblend on Mon,  7 Sep  2009, 06:52
The sig stays.
Yes it does. Colors, or anybody else on this site can put whatever they please in their signature space. I think that's as far as the conversation goes here. But by all means, thrash it out elsewhere.