What Was The Initial Revised Ending To Batman Returns?

Started by Kamdan, Wed, 3 Jun 2009, 08:08

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Quote from: ral on Thu,  4 Jun  2009, 17:52
Quote from: Darrell Kaiser on Thu,  4 Jun  2009, 17:28
I believe Tim wanted that final shot because it was to mirror the ending of Batman '89 looking at the signal.

Most likely, but it wasn't his intention from the start.

from above
"I thought the shadow of the Catwoman that Bruce sees as they?re driving past the alley was fine," noted Mike Fink, "and so did everybody who made the movie ? including Tim, but they kept getting cards back from the test screenings asking about whether Catwoman had survived or not.  Apparently the shadow wasn?t clear enough."
Very true, but he seemed much more content with that change than the changes made to the ending of B89.

I know the article said that, ral. That shot was just his idea on how to suit Warners and keep it up to his artistic choice, rather than do something completely different.

It ended up being pretty much the same thing anyways, or pretty close atleast!

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.

The film was originally going to end just with the car going under the bridge, right?

No, up the buildings to the Bat-signal to echo the first film. Catwoman's addition was the revised element.

I always took the decision of inserting Catwoman right at the end of Batman Returns as WB and Burton further illustrating that Catwoman was alive, effectively removing any doubt (how little it may have been at that point), and that there may be more appearances from her in the future.  

Ending with the Bat-Signal would have worked, but I view the revised element of adding Catwoman a bit more satisfying. Thats just me.

"Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humour was provided to console him for what he is."