"Did you have a hard time finding the house?"

Started by Jack Napier, Sun, 22 Mar 2009, 21:07

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I think the Vic/Bruce dinner scene was intended to happen first before the Wayne Manor Benefit. Because at that scene, Vic had already been to Wayne Manor earlier in the movie for the Benefit, and Bruce says "Did you have a hard time finding the house?" But wasn't she already at his house before? Why would he ask that if she was there before?
*Wipes blood off of Newspaper*
-Winged freak TERRORIZES? Wait'll they get a load of me.

Burton conceived Bruce Wayne as an absent-minded eccentric, or at least that was his cover (much like Bale's arrogant playboy persona was his).
Anyway, there's no way the scenes could be mixed up since Vicki Vale didn't know who Bruce Wayne was at the benefit (neither did Bruce Wayne for that matter  ;)).
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

Quote from: johnnygobbs on Sun, 22 Mar  2009, 21:34
Burton conceived Bruce Wayne as an absent-minded eccentric.
Indeed. Add introverted loner to that as well. It's how I like Bruce to be.

That scene is supposed to indicate how uncomfortable they both are in that dining room. The line about the house is a generic line that people say when they have nothing else to talk about.

Quote from: phantom stranger on Mon, 23 Mar  2009, 19:56
That scene is supposed to indicate how uncomfortable they both are in that dining room. The line about the house is a generic line that people say when they have nothing else to talk about.

Ah yes, it's an "ice breaker". I thought that he was trying to humor Vale, so I thank you for explaining its true meaning.

I love Keaton's response after he asks that question as he just sort of mumbles while he sips some soup into his mouth.

maybe knox drove her or she limo-ed it over - doubt she drove there for the benefit in that dress

great question though - i love this site

The line of dialogue by Bruce is really self explanatory. People over-analyze things way too much now.

Tue, 24 Mar 2009, 09:35 #8 Last Edit: Tue, 24 Mar 2009, 13:50 by Dark Knight Detective
Quote from: The Dark Knight on Tue, 24 Mar  2009, 08:08
The line of dialogue by Bruce is really self explanatory. People over-analyze things way too much now.

Not every line in the film is obvious to everyone (remember my thread w/ "rhubarb").