Exploding Axis Chemicals

Started by Kamdan, Fri, 20 Feb 2009, 04:15

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What I'd like to know is how the Joker & co. managed to get out of the factory just before it blew up? Was it coincidental or did he see Batman approaching the factory prior to this?

Quote from: The Batman Returns on Fri, 27 Feb  2009, 02:26
What I'd like to know is how the Joker & co. managed to get out of the factory just before it blew up? Was it coincidental or did he see Batman approaching the factory prior to this?
I imagine he saw the Batmobile charging toward the complex, sent his goons to deal with the situation, whilst he prepared to leave in the helicopter.

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Fri, 27 Feb  2009, 02:18
Not filmed well? Rubbish. I just don't see that being an argument. I see the moment as being more realistic for it, myself.

It's just how things are. The bomb was going to roll where it wanted to, not where Batman wanted it. It could have rolled backwards, forwards, sideways or slantways. But it went that way, the physics or whatever decided that's where it would go. You might want it to roll in another direction, but doesn't mean it's going to. It's just chance, and what happens in the moment.

listen it's a MOVIE where they can reshoot scenes until they seem the most realistic or feasible - the friggin bomb is headed under the car

you act like we were watching some real life baseball game where someone bunted a ball and maybe it's going foul or maybe it's not and we can't control what happens - it's a movie - Take 2 - drop it again and see if it doesn't look like it's rolling under the car

Fri, 27 Feb 2009, 03:59 #13 Last Edit: Fri, 27 Feb 2009, 04:10 by The Dark Knight
You conveniently only quote half of my comments, WingedFreak.  You leave this bit out -

QuoteAnd I doubt Batman could see little details such as that from where he was controlling the vehicle off in the distance. All he had to know was that the bomb had been deployed, and the time frame in which to get away from the initial explosion.

Underneath the bomb or directly next to it, it really wouldn't matter when the thing goes off. You're going to be dead all the same. The Batmobile would have cleared that area by then.

I don't see the big deal. Look, I don't care where the bomb is headed. It doesn't matter, all that matters is it's located somewhere in that area. The Batmobile has roared off from that location by then. Batman is not going to sit the Batmobile there stationary waiting for the explosion.

You're blowing this way out of proportion. It's a non issue.